Using Labels on Workboards

        Using Labels on Workboards

        Article summary

        Labels can be added to Work Orders to provide additional details or add filtering capabilities. Labels can be used to show relevant work orders on Workboards. See Work Order Labels for more information on how to add labels to work orders.

        By default, workboards will show all work orders, no matter what labels are applied. However, it is possible to customize which labels are shown and how they are ordered.

        View, Hide, and Order Labels on Workboards

        From the workboard screen, click on the "LABEL SETTINGS" button to allow options to view, hide, and order labels

        • Click on the eye icon to make labels viewable or hidden
          • If a work order has only one label and it is marked as hidden, the work order will not appear on the workboard
          • If a work order has more than one label and at least one is marked as visible, it will appear on the workboard
        • Drag and drop labels to order them
          • By default, labels are ordered by creation date
          • Labels will be ordered based on the status of the "Order by Label Priority" switch
        • Save or Cancel your preferences
        • Click "Reset Settings" to clear all preferences

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        Hide Unlabeled Work Orders

        If you want your workboard to show only work orders that have labels, click the eye icon to hide the "Unlabeled" label. This allows you to set up workboards where only specific labels are wanted to be visible!

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        Order by Label Priority

        Customized label order settings can be enabled or disabled using the “Order by Label Priority” switch

        • Switch on: Labels are arranged matching the order in “LABEL SETTINGS”
        • Switch off: Labels are arranged by their respective work order deadline

        Hidden and unhidden label selections will apply to the workboard whether “Order by Label Priority” is toggled on or off. Always make sure that label preferences are used correctly, as if someone accidentally saves incorrect label settings, it can result in work orders not being seen when they should.

        Work Order Priority Badges

        Work orders may be prioritized in the Prioritization module. Prioritized work orders display a badge indicating their global priority status.

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        To adjust work order priority:

        • Go to the "Prioritization" page
        • Drag and drop work orders into the desired priority order
        • Save changes
        • Workboards will reflect the adjusted global priorities

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