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A Unit is a quantity chosen as a standard in terms of which other quantities may be expressed.
In Steelhead, Units provide critical context in functions of time durations, weights, Accounting, Inventory, Specs, and many other areas.
From the Homepage, in the Configuration Section, click the Units Tile to review a list of all the Units being used in your Domain. By clicking the pencil edit icon in any row, you can check or uncheck boxes which will affect the Unit's inclusion on various drop-down lists. You can also add Units you'd like to use in your shop for any application.
If you contract for a job which requires Certs to be issued meeting requirements which are standardized in metric units, add milligrams, grams, etc. to your Units dashboard, and check "Used for Measurement" for each one. Now it will be straightforward to enter Spec Field Parameters according to that standard.