Time Off Types

        Time Off Types

        Article summary

        This article goes into detail about Time Off Types. For just a general overview, visit the Guide to Timesheets article.

        Create Time Off Type

        Found in the top right corner of the Allocated Time Off page, "Create Time Off Type" is a page that allows creation of types or classifications for sorting time off allocations by different details. This is necessary to create an Allocation Set and start allocating time. It has the following components:

        Create and Edit Time Off Types

        • Name (entry field)
        • Accrued Time Limit (entry field)
          • Do not fill out this field if there is no limit
        • Is this leave paid? (checkbox)
        • Do leave hours count towards OT? (checkbox) Example: Holiday hours that count towards total hours in a week
        • The save button creates the type, adding the entered details under the "Upcoming Leave" section

        Upcoming Leave

        Shows currently-existing time off types and their details:

        • Leave Type
        • Leave Time Limit
        • Does this leave count towards overtime?
        • Paid Leave?
        • Actions (delete/edit)
        Deleting Time Off Types

        Once a time off type is deleted, there is no way to unarchive the type and it must be recreated! Also, types cannot be deleted if they are currrently in use.

        Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 1.05.36 PM.png

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