Time Off Allocation

        Time Off Allocation

        Article summary

        This article goes into detail about Time Off Allocation. For just a general overview, visit the Guide to Timesheets article.

        Allocating Time Off

        Time off can be allocated to users within your company through "Time Off Allocation" in the top right corner of the main Timesheets page. The user must be marked as hourly to receive allocation. With time off allocated to a user, they then can have time off scheduled.

        The first option in the top bar will let you select a year. The next option is the Time Off Type. Making selections here will allow you to create time off and view time off for each hourly employee.

        Create Time Off Allocation

        Once the top bar selections are made, you will be able to " + CREATE TIME OFF ALLOCATION" and also edit previously created allocated time off. When creating a time off allocation, here are the fields to fill out:

        • All Leave Available From Start: Check the box to make all hours available for time off at once. A field will appear to enter in Leave Hours. Accrue fields will stay available if box is left unchecked.
        • Carryover Leave Time: Enter the amount of time in hours that will be added to the allocated time segment.
        • Accrue Over Time Frame: Enter the number of months that it takes to accrue the number of hours in the next field.
        • Leave Hours Per # Months: Set the number of hours to be given for the number of months entered in the field above.
        • Users: Select the user(s) to allocate the time off to. There is an option to Select All users.
        Time Off Allocation Preview

        Note: The table below the fields will give a preview of the user(s) allocation start and end dates, along with the total hours going to be allocated in that time frame. The start and end dates may be different for different users, depending on their Time Off Set dates. Example: The company allocates time based off the employee's hire date.

        Allocations Table

        The table is divided into several columns for viewing information about hourly users' allocated time off:

        • Name: This is the name of the user who has been allocated with time off.
        • Role: This is the job title of the user who has been allocated with time off.
        • Allocation Set: This is the set and the start and end dates that the allocated time off is valid. The column will be blank if there is no allocated time off for the user.
        • Allocated Time Off: Lists the current planned allocations and the number of hours for each. Click the hours for more information. The column will be blank if there is no allocated time off for the user.
        • Actions: The edit icon gives the ability to edit the start date and leave hours for the user's allocated time off already created. The plus icon gives the ability to create new time off allocations.
        Plus Button Action

        The plus button only allows for allocating leave hours at the date selected. To set up hours accrued over time, click the "+ CREATE TIME OFF ALLOCATION" up top.

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