Setting Specs

        Setting Specs

        Article summary

        Specs can be accessed and managed from the "Specs" page, located on the home screen.
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        Adding New Specs and Spec Fields

        • On the "Specs" page, click the "New Spec" button

        • Name the Spec and click "Save"

        • From this page, you can edit the spec description using the "Edit" button, or add spec fields using the "New Spec Field" button

        • Adding a new spec field gives you the option to name the field and identify its type such as number, boolean, etc.

          • "Number" specs are for recording measurements, quantities, or other data that can be stored numerically
          • "Boolean" specs are stored as either/or inputs. Booleans are good for spec data that asks for these sorts of inputs:
            • Yes / No
            • Pass / Fail
            • True / False
        • Click "Save" to create the spec field

        • Once the spec field is created, click its name to set up parameters for the spec field

          • For all specs, give the parameter a name, description, and sampling rate.
            • The "Input Required" checkbox will require input for the spec field when moving parts
            • The "Request Document" checkbox provides a space to upload an external document (picture, file, etc.)
            • The "One at a Time" checkbox can be checked for measurements that will be entered in individually
          • For "Number" type specs, identify minimum, target, and maximum values for the spec where necessary
        • The spec field parameter can be edited with the pencil icon or permanently deleted with the trash can icon

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        Sampling Rate

        A sampling rate of "1" means that every part is measured. A sampling rate of 0.1 means that 1 in 10, or 0.1 of the parts, are measured. A sampling rate of 10 would indicate that each part is measured 10 times.

        One at a Time

        Some measurements are taken for batches (oven time and temperature for a batch; tank pH; etc.), while some are taken on individual parts (finish thickness, quality inspection, etc.) Choosing "One at a Time" for the spec field can make data entry much easier if you enter data for multiple individual parts all at one time.

        Setting and Editing Params

        Steelhead enables easy editing of spec field params values when setting specs on a quote part:

        • Add a spec to a part number or click 'Set Specs on Part Number' from a quote line
        • Use the UI to edit spec field params min, target, max values
          • Toggle to use tolerance at the column header

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        • Lines highlighted blue have changes that are ordered appropriately and can be saved.
        • Lines highlighted yellow have changes that can’t be saved because the target is not in the min & max
        • Click Save Changes on the bottom banner and ensure spec field params are saved

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        Setting Specs videos:

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