Sending Invoices to Customers

        Sending Invoices to Customers

        Article summary

        Sending a Single Invoice to Customers

        To send an invoice to a customer:

        • Find the invoice that you want to send on the Invoices card
          • You can also send invoices from the "View All Invoices" page
        • Click on the "Send Invoice" icon
        • Include a message if desired
        • Select which contacts to email the invoice to
          • Invoice contacts appear as options woth checkboxes next to them
          • You can also enter additional email addresses to send to; however, you must select at least one contact to send the invoice
        • If the invoice is sent, you will see a green circle with a white checkmark confirming a successful send

        There is also a Domain Setting to allow Invoice PDFs to be attached to their respective emails.
        send single invoice.gif

        Sending Multiple Invoices to Customers

        To send multiple invoices to customers at the same time:

        • Find the invoices that you want to send on the Invoices card and select them
          • You can also send invoices from the "View All Invoices" page
        • Click on the "View Invoice PDFs" button
        • Confirm that all invoices appear as expected
        • Click "Send [number] Invoices"
        • Select which contacts to email the invoices to
          • Invoice contacts appear as options woth checkboxes next to them
          • You can also enter additional email addresses to send to; however, you must select at least one contact to send the invoices
        • If the invoices are sent, you will see a green circle with a white checkmark confirming a successful send

        send multiple invoices.gif

        Invoice Contacts

        Once you have sent an invoice to a specific customer email address, it will be saved as an invoice contact and listed in a separate list above other customer contacts within the send invoice menu.

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