Racks and Rack Types

        Racks and Rack Types

        Article summary


        Racks are the storage carriers for parts that are used to enable efficient movement through processes. Steelhead is able to track the racking and unracking of parts as well as rack movement around a job shop.

        To view, edit, and create racks in your Steelhead domain, open the Racks tile located under the Configuration section of the home page.
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        Navigating the Racks List

        The list on the main Racks page shows every rack in your plant. For locating the one you need quickly, here are some features provided:

        • Search bar to enter the rack name
        • Dropdown to order search results by assembly size or date created
        • Dropdown to control how many search results should be shown at once
        • Paging back and forth through the rack list

        The racking list itself is separated into six columns that lays out the important information of particular racks:

        • Rack Name
        • Rack Type
        • Current Station the rack is at
        • Current process node the rack is at
        • Part count on the rack, organized by Work Order
        • Actions - edit/archive

        Creating New Racks

        In addition to editing and archiving the existing racks, you can create new ones with the "+ NEW RACK" button at the top of the screen. Clicking this will direct you to fill out the following fields:

        • Rack Name
        • Rack Type (select an existing type or start typing to create a new type)

        Rack Details

        Clicking on the name of a rack will open up a new page that shows the following details about the particular rack:

        • A card with basic information about the rack
          • Rack Name
          • Rack Type
          • Rack profile image
            • Add an image - click the photo icon and upload an image
            • Delete an image - click the remove image icon next to the image
        • A card showing the Operator Timer at the particular node
          • Can start/stop timer
        • "ADD QR CODE" button to print a QR code for the rack to use in a scanner line process
        • Next Treatments in the process that the rack is on
        • "MOVE RACK" button to move the rack and the parts on it to a different node
        • "UNRACK ALL" button that will remove the parts listed off the rack
        • Parts table that displays the parts on the rack and other relevent information, along with the option to unrack listed groups of parts
        • Rack Station Parameters where parameter values can be added and edited
        • Rack Assembly tree
          • Sub racks and super racks can be added and removed here through the "EDIT MODE" button
            • Add Sub Rack - the selected rack will be put on the current open rack
            • Add Super Rack - the open rack will be put on the selected rack
            • Sub Rack and Super Rack options appear when Sub Rack Types are assigned
          • Dropdown to show the history of the rack
        • Instructions for Process derived from the recipe node that the rack is currently on
        • Notes for Part Number derived from the part number at the particular node
        • Recipe Tree showing all of the nodes of the process recipe that the rack is on


        Rack Types

        Rack Types are the way that racks are categorized. All racks should have a rack type. Clicking the button labeled "RACK TYPES" on the main Rack page will direct you to the page where you can view, edit, and create rack types.
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        Creating New Rack Types

        To create a new rack type, click the "+ NEW RACK TYPE" button and fill out the following fields requested:

        • Rack Type Name
        • Default Parts Per Rack
        • Rack Count
        • Part Count Display Unit
        • Use Rack Once checkbox

        Once a Rack Type is created, it can be viewed and edited in the table on the Rack Types page. The table displays the Rack Type information and an Action column where you can edit and archive. If a Rack Type is archived, it can be unrachived through "View Archived Rack Types" in the top right corner.

        Rack Type Details

        Clicking on the name of a Rack Type will bring you to a page that shows the following details about the particular rack type:

        • Card displaying basic information about the rack type
          • Rack Type Name
          • Default Parts Per Rack
          • Rack Count
          • Use Rack Once (true/false)
        • Rack Type Files that you can view, edit, and delete
          • Click the "UPLOAD FILES" button to attach files to this rack type
          • Check the Display Image checkbox for the file to show as the profile image for all racks of this type
        • Rack Type Occupancy list where you can view, add, edit, and delete
          • To create a new occupation, click "+ NEW RACK TYPE OCCUPATION" and fill out the fields to set how many racks of this type can fit at a particular station, treatment group (optional) and treatment (optional)
        • Sub Rack Types can be viewed, added, edited, and deleted
          • Add a sub rack type by clicking the "+ ADD NEW SUB RACK TYPE" button
          • Assigning Sub Rack Types to Rack Types allows for adding Sub Racks and Super Racks in Rack Assembly
        • Racks is a section that lists all of the racks with the particular rack type
          • Can edit rack name/type and view the locations of racks here

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