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Prioritization Overview
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The Prioritization dashboard is used to rank work within your shop. Assigning rank to Part Accounts will quickly tell operators the order in which to process jobs.
A Part Transfer Account (PTA or Part Account) is an account (ID) that represents the unique state of a Parts' movement. Parts can be added to an existing Account if its state is identical to that of the already existing PTA.
From your Steelhead homepage, select (or use the Search bar to find) the Prioritization tile.
Prioritization Main Page
On the Prioritization page, you will see a list of all Stations that have Parts which you can prioritize.
The table includes:
- Station name
- Unprioritized Parts: Count of how many parts in that station have not been prioritized
- Prioritized Parts: Count of how many parts in that station have been given priority
- Edited At: Date and Time when the Prioritization of that Station has been edited
- Edited By: Name of User who edited the Prioritization of that Station
Users may select which Stations can have prioritizable Parts.
- From the Stations dashboard, click the checkbox in the Prioritizable column next to the corresponding Station
- When creating a new Station, select the Prioritize Parts By Station checkbox
- Within the Station page, select or deselect the Prioritizable checkbox
Select a Column Heading to sort the table by that column. Click the heading again to switch from Ascending to Descending order.
- The column sorting will stack on each other; sorting by one column does not cancel out the sorting of any other columns
Across the top of the page are options to filter what is displayed in the table.
Priority Version
If you have multiple Priority Versions, use this button to select the Priority Version you want displayed
- You also have the option to delete the selected Version
Workflow Control
Use Workflow Control to limit the range of available parts you would like to prioritize.
- You can choose to view Only Routed Parts
- Checking this box will give you all the parts that have a current route associated with them.
- Use the Filter Parts Between Tags drop-down options to further focus only on the work that is at or between the selected tags. If a tag is not specified, all parts before or after the defined start or end tag will be included.
Select a date to see jobs with deadlines at or earlier than the selected date.
Creating a New Priority Version
- From the Homepage, click on the "Prioritization" tile to go to the prioritization page.
- In the "Schedule" dialog box, type in a name for the new schedule.
- Filter work by Priority Tag, Station, or Deadline.
- In the search bar, search for Customers, Labels, Part Numbers, Processes, Process Nodes, or deadlines to further filter on the "Work To Be Prioritized" tile.
- Wherever you search for customers, you can use either their name or their accounting ID.
When you search for a label, a customer, a station, or anything else, click "Condense Results" to group all the results for your search together. Then, you can grab them all and move them to the Priority List with one motion. If you want to prioritize all work with a "Hot" label, or work for one customer, condensing results lets you do so with minimal effort!
- Drag and drop work from the "Work To Be Prioritized" tile to the "Priority List" tile.
- Adjust the "Priority List" tile as needed.
- To set this schedule as the current schedule for the plant, click the "Set Current" button.
- Wherever you search for customers, you can use either their name or their accounting ID.
- This may be useful when there are multiple customers with identical names but different accounting IDs.
- Find anywhere there is a customer select drop-down (e.g. create new quote).
- Customers will appear if their accounting ID or name matches the search term.
- The search term text will be highlighted in each of the results.
Adjusting Schedules
- From the Homepage, click on the "Prioritization" tile to go to the page.
- Choose the current schedule that is available that you would like to adjust.
- Filter the "work to be prioritized" tile on the left to see all active work.
- You can view and organize available work with the following options:
- Work Order Labels
- You can view and organize available work with the following options:
- Drag and drop work to the "Priority List" tile on the right.
- If the schedule you selected is already the current schedule, click "Save Changes" to set the schedule.
- If the schedule you selected is not the current schedule, click "Set Current" to set this new schedule as the current schedule for the work floor.
- The priority will be reflected on all workboards.