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Part Numbers
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Part Numbers are unique identifiers for each type of part that is being tracked through Steelhead. They are generally associated with a certain customer, but can be created without one.
Using part numbers allow you to:
- Organize your Work Orders.
- Use the Steelhead Solver with grouping and scheduling optimization.
The Station Occupancies table allows you to specify which percentage of a Station a Part Number occupies. This is useful for planning out capacity for each station.
For example, a Boeing 747 Wheel occupies 30% of a block in the Anodize #1 Station.
It is not the percentage of the entire Station, but rather the percentage of a "block" of Parts moving through that Station.
Spec Visibility:
- You can choose to show specs collected on either part number or treatment.
- They can be viewed either by part number or part group.
- You can choose which spec to view should multiple be collected.
Here are some articles that can teach you about things related to part numbers:
- Part Number Inventories
- Creating New Part Numbers
- Active vs. Completed Parts
- Adding or Removing Parts from Work Orders
- Unpriced Parts vs. 0 Dollar Parts
- Part Number Groups
- WO/PN Job Tag PDFs
You can copy an existing part number in Steelhead by selecting the the box icon with the dotted line behind it.
Technically each part number is unique since you do have to create a new one in Steelhead.
- This is because you are not able to assign multiple customers to one but it is also still the same part number.
- A very helpful point is that you can copy it and use the same part number for a different customer.
Part Number Geometry:
How to use part number geometries and part number geometry spec field params:
- Go to the part numbers page.
- Click the geometry types icon in the upper right-hand corner.
- Create a geometry type.
- Add spec fields to the geometry type.
- Choose a part number and set its geometry type to that.
Users may set a spec field on a spec so that it will require a matching geometry type spec field on a part number to add it
- Create a spec
- Add your spec fields, at least one of which has the RequiresGeometryType boolean set to true
- Create a geometry type and add the spec field from the spec that requires a geometry type
- Create a part number with a geometry type and add the spec there also