Process Nodes

    Process Nodes

    Article summary

    Process Nodes

    Process Nodes in Steelhead are the building blocks for Processes.

    Together, process nodes map out how work is performed step-by-step for a specific process. Process nodes are mapped in processes in a tree structure called a Process Tree.

    The first node in a process is a Parent Node, which means that it is the "parent" to one or more nodes beneath it. Nodes that branch from another node are called Child Nodes. Nodes that share the same parent are called Sibling Nodes. A single node can be a parent, sibling, and child all at the same time.

    Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 10.56.03 AM.png

    Process Node Types

    There are many different types of process nodes:

    Node TypeDescriptionIcon
    GeneralThe default option for nodes. General nodes represent a step in a process, usually at which a Treatment may be performed. A general node should be linked to one or more icon
    ContainerizeThis is very similar to racking in Steelhead. Workers will be prompted to containerize parts, usually used when packaging parts before shipping.Screenshot 2024-07-25 111837.png
    ShippingShipping nodes are organizing, auto complete nodes that contain three child nodes: Ready for Shipping, Packing Slip Created, and Shipped. Parts that are in any of these nodes will appear in the shipping dashboard.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112136.png
    InvoicingParts that are in the Invoicing node appear on the Invoicing Dashboard as "Ready to Invoice." Usually, invoicing is the last step in a process.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112213.png
    RackingRacking nodes prompt workers to rack parts. The racking interface is shown on the Work Parts screen, which allows for racking of multiple parts or work orders from, assembling multiple racks, or moving complete racks.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112253.png
    UnrackingUnracking nodes prompt workers to unrack parts and easily allow unracking multiple parts and work orders on workboards.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112407.png
    OutsourcingOutsourcing nodes are used when parts leave your plant for work that you outsource to somewhere else. Use this node type when you routinely outsource one or more steps in your process. Parts will appear on the Outsourcing dashboard when at this node.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112604.png
    Super NodeSuper nodes are used when you want to track parts through several nodes but do not want to step the parts through each node. When parts are stepped through a super node, each child node automatically completes and the parts are advanced through every child node of the super node. It can be helpful to think of a Super Node as a container that makes each child node an auto complete node. Super nodes are useful for auto lines or hybrid auto / manual lines, or in other situations where operators do not need to track time at each node. When working parts on a super node, each child node appears as a separate tab. Note that Super Nodes are only for unracked parts.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112116.png
    Super CardA Super Card is like a Super Node, except only for racked parts.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112116.png
    StagingStaging nodes are nodes where parts are queued for the next step in the process. For example, "Ready for Blast" could be a staging node directly before "Abrasive Blast". Parts in the "Ready for Blast" node are staged and waiting in line for the blasting booth. Staging nodes allow you to see instructions for the next process node from workboards.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112431.png
    ScannerScanner is a special node type that allows parts to be transfered among child nodes by scanning each Station's QR code when viewing an associated workboard. Only racks can be transfered by scanning.Screenshot 2024-07-25 111853.png
    Contract Review NodeContract Review nodes allow for preview of every step of a part's recipe in order to verify that the part will be successfully completed. Necessary changes can be performed at this node, including changing a part's specs. Contract Review can be set up with Pass/Fail sign offs to allow/disallow the part to move on. Parts at a Contract Review node will appear in Steelhead's Contract Review module, and the same information can be seen on the work parts screen.Screenshot 2024-07-25 112447.png
    Quality Assurance NodeQuality Assurance nodes allow for you to view a part's recipe tree and spec measurements recorded. It is helpful for inspection of parts near the end of the process, before icon
    Viewing Specs on a Process:

    Some options relating to viewing specs on the process they are attached to:

    • Attach a Spec Field to a default process by clicking its slashed circle icon on the Spec page
      Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 11.14.32 AM.png
    • View spec fields attached to the default process by clicking link icons near the process tree
    • View process nodes attached to a spec field by clicking the link icon on the Spec page
    • Add Spec Fields to a Process Node by selecting them directly or using the spec search
      Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 11.16.25 AM.png
    • On a Process Node with a Spec Field, click the Spec Field row to view more information
      Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 11.17.22 AM.png

    Params per Occurence:

    Enabled spec field params to be distinct per process node occurrence, making differing params on shared nodes possible:

    • Create a part number with a default process from either itself or spec driven processing
    • Add specs and specify which process nodes the params go on
    • Create a sales order and add the part number to the work order
    • View the specs on the work order
    • Edit a part number and manage specs
    • Edit a part number and compose a process using specs with spec driven processing

    Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 9.20.20 AM.png

    Node Auto Complete Setting

    Setting a node to "Auto Complete" means that parts will not dwell in that node for any length of time. When parts are stepped into a node that has "Auto Complete" enabled, the parts will automatically move to the next node in the process tree. This setting is primarily used for nodes that are only included for organization.

    In the example below, the "Shipping" node is set to auto complete, as indicated by the "Auto" and arrow icon. In this example, the parts will move directly from "Unracking" to "Ready for Shipping."

    Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 9.42.19 AM.png

    To enable Auto Complete on a node, check the "Auto Complete" box on the top tile of the node page.
    Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 9.40.12 AM.png

    Process Node Tags and Shared Nodes

    Tags are a way to organize and differentiate your Process Nodes. Once a Process Node is tagged, you can add that node to another process with "Add Existing Node". This adds a Shared Node, meaning it is the same node appearing on multiple processes. Any changes made to a shared node will be reflected in all processes that share that node.

    For example, if three processes share the "Abrasive Blast" node, adding children or changing the node type will add children or change the node type of Abrasive Blast on each process.

    Shared Node Dropdown:

    Lists of processes on a shared node are automatically hidden. You can view them using the Show More button.
    Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 2.05.58 PM.png

    Process Node Opt In / Opt Out

    In cases where not every node is used in every Recipe, you can configure opt-in and opt-out options for nodes. This allows you to generate recipes flexibly, rather than having to create many processes with only slight differences.

    • Opt-Out: The default recipe will include opt-out nodes, but you will have the option to exclude them during order entry. This is a good option for nodes that are used most of the time, but not always.
    • Opt-In: The default recipe will exclude opt-in nodes, but you will have the option to include them during order entry. This is a good option for nodes that are used infrequently.

    To configure Opt In or Opt Out options for a process:

    • Click "Configure Opt In/Opt Out" at the bottom of the tile on the Process page
    • Select either Opt In or Opt Out for a process node & save changes

    When creating a new work order, you will now have the option to opt in or out of the nodes that you adjusted.

    opt in opt out.gif

    Part Number Opt In / Opt Out:

    When using opt-ins/outs, you can manage this feature when adding parts to sales orders or quotes as shown below:

    This will set the default opt-ins/outs on that part number.
    From there you can:

    • Opt (check) to include opt-outs and exclude opt-ins
    • Force not opt (minus) to override any other defaults, such as from a spec, and leave unopted
    • Leave unopted (blank) to exclude opt-outs and include opt-ins

    Process Node Occurrence:

    If a process node is used multiple times in a process, each node will be a separate occurrence of that same process node. Occurrences can have different treatment selections and station routing on part numbers, recipes, specs, and other places that use a default process.

    • This will allow more precise control of all work order and sales orders
    • It will also improve the use of features like opt-ins/opt-outs, and the process composer

    Video explanation with more detail: Process Node Occurrence
    There is also a domain setting for default treatments.

    Here is a video showing more info about how the process composer may be used.

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