Domain Settings

        Domain Settings

        Article summary

        Index of Domain Settings

        Your website domain is your Steelhead environment. The many settings on this page will affect the way the site is used by everyone. Only administrative users should have permissions to access or modify Domain Settings. To learn how this is done, see the User Permissions FAQ page, or the more extensive User Permissions Index.

        Company Contact Info

        This menu interface on the top left of the page is where you can enter the Phone Number, Email Address, and Business Address of your company. Additionally, you can edit the Domain Name and Avatar to customize the layout as preferred. This data can be displayed on packing slips, invoices, and other documents.

        Integrations and Downloads

        This menu interface on the top right of the page is where you can enter connection information to other websites, for things such as your accounting software. The buttons on the bottom of the menu will allow you to View GL Accounts, Configure PDF Templates, Configure Document Numbers, View Tax Codes, View Tax Rates, View Sales Tax Schedules, and Unlock Devices.

        Unlock Devices:

        This button will allow you to master unlock any devices that have been saved to this domain, however this option will never show any devices that are always unlocked/logged in, like the screen showing the plant dashboard.

        Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 3.40.52 PM.png

        Devices will temporarily lock when 5 incorrect pins or passwords are entered

        • The user must contact a manager who has access to Users and Domain to unlock the account or device
        • To unlock an account: Navigate to the Users page and click the “UNLOCK” button next to the user whose account is locked
        • To unlock a device: Navigate to the Domain page and click the “Unlock Devices” button and “UNLOCK” the device that is locked

        Settings List

        This is the full list of all Domain Settings on our site. They are organized into categories, and a search bar has been provided to navigate the long list.


        SMTP Settings

        Allows you to override the default Simple Mail Transport Protocol for Email Servers. This allows you to send emails from Steelhead using your own email address & domain instead of the default update[at] address.

        Pin Login

        Enables users to log into Steelhead with a Personal Identification Number. Should not be used on publicly available devices.

        Hide Camera

        Hides the QR scanner camera icon for all users on a domain.

        Customer Email Template

        Choose a default template to use on Email Servers.

        Customer Email Subject Line

        Allows you to display a Work Order Number or a Purchase Order Number on email subject lines.

        Enable Quality Management

        Allows access to the integrated Quality Management System.

        Force Logout After Inactivity

        Allows you to force logout after a set period of time, either for a single device or for the entire domain.

        Timers & Timesheets

        Enable Timesheets for Hourly Users

        Allows users to clock in and out on timesheets if they are paid by the hour.

        Work Times

        A clock entry field useful for scheduling the workday. Work time settings allow for time aggregations to not compute elapsed time outside of work hours.

        Which Product Group Should Be Used For TimeSheet Entries?

        This dropdown menu is used to determine which product groups should be used on timesheet entries.

        Define Pay Period

        The calendar date selection menu in this domain setting is used to pick when the pay period will start, and the switch under that is used to pick wheter the duration of this period should be one week or two weeks.

        Define Overtime

        • The first option (the entry field) shown for this setting will allow you to set how many hours will be counted before work becomes overtime
            • The difference here is only to the amount of overtime, how often overtime gets counted won't change
        • The second option (the dropdown menu) will be used to set the time period which the first option used to count for overtime, either daily or weekly
          • The difference here is only to how often overtime gets counted, the amount of overtime won't change


        Default Quote Expiration Time

        An Entry Field for setting the default length of time that quotes will take to expire.

        Default Quote Followup Time

        An entry field to set a default follow-up time period for quoting.

        Default Quote Type

        Select the default pricing type of Quotes.

        Default Power Tool Quoting On

        An option to put quotes in power tool mode by default.

        Use Default Treatments In Quoting

        Allows using Default Treatments to edit the pricing of items in Quoting.

        Enable Quote Signatures

        Allows for procurement of Customer and Company Representative signatures on Quotes.

        Disable Default Request Quote Signature

        Prevents the option to request a quote signature from being automatically selected.

        Disable Adding Unquoted Parts to Orders

        Removes the "Add Parts" button from the Recieved Order.

        Disable Missing Quote Info Warning On Add Parts

        Prevents the add parts table from showing a warning message when a Quote is missing.

        Use part number description in quotes by default

        Always uses the part number description in quotes.

        Custom Variables

        These settings can be used for quote power tools and other areas of Steelhead. There are options here for editing Form Names and Descriptions, and creating new elements and sections for a Form.

        Attach Quote PDFs Directly To Email

        Attaches quote PDFs directly to email.


        This will disable tracking of quote opening if users do not click the link as Steelhead does not have any way to tell if a PDF attachment has been downloaded


        Enable Power Invoices

        Allows Power Invoicing.

        Attach Invoice PDFs Directly To Email

        Attaches invoice PDFs directly to email.


        This will disable tracking of invoice opening if users do not click the link as Steelhead does not have any way to tell if a PDF attachment has been downloaded.

        Include Packing Slip on Invoice By Default

        Adds packing slip(s) to the invoice line item description by default.

        Include Part Number Description on Invoice By Default

        Adds Part Number Description to the invoice line item description by default.

        Include Work Order Notes on Invoice By Default

        Adds Work Order Notes to the invoice line item description by default.

        Invoicing: Use GL Code From Process Product

        It is recommended for new domains to use this setting.

        Enable Invoicing By Location

        Enables location-based invoicing.

        Create Invoices From Packing Slips

        Allows invoices to be created from packing slips.

        Create Invoices From The Shipping Dashboard

        Enable Creating Invoices For Packing Slips in the Shipping Dashboard.

        Set Default Invoice Date To Shipping Date

        Set Default Invoice Date to Shipping Date.

        Enable Drop Shipments

        Allow Packing Slips and Invoices to be Drop Shipped.

        Enable Contact Override on Invoice

        Allows for Contact to be Overriden on Invoice.

        Address Max Length

        An entry field to submit the maximum length that entered addresses should be.

        Show CSV Export on Invoice Page

        When this setting is enabled, an invoice power tool button becomes available on the invoicing page. It must be edited by someone knowledgeable of low code to download desired invoices.

        Sales Orders & Work Orders

        Require Part Number for Parts on Work Order

        Forces the selection of a Part Number when adding Parts to a Work Order.

        Disable adding Part Number to Sales Order

        Disables the ADD PARTS button on the Sales Order page that allows for creating Work Orders "Part Number first".

        Disable Adding Parts to Begun Work Orders

        Removes the ability to add parts to begun work orders in the "Add Parts" table.

        Place Each Received Batch On Its Own Work Order By Default

        Places each received batch on its own work order for traceability.

        Set default lead time for orders

        Defaults the deadline field to the calculated deadline based on this lead time setting in business days. Leave blank for no default.

        Enable Power Tool Sales Orders

        Allows power tool sales orders.

        Default Work Order Product

        Sets the default Product selected when creating a Work Order.

        Configure Default New Purchase Order Payable Account

        A Dropdown Menu to select the account that should be paid for new purchase orders by default.

        Enable Sales Order Types

        Allows for selecting: "Make to Order", "Make to Stock", "Fulfill From Stock" at order entry.

        Order Type Info:
        • The build-to-stock order type is what indicates the parts, when finished will not be shipped or invoiced immediately but instead will be held in inventory
        • Creating a new process for “mold to stock” and omitting shipping and invoicing from the process will work
          • No changes to the workboard will be needed if existing nodes are used to create the process
          • In this example, the build-to-stock order type will still need to be selected for the finished parts to hit inventory
        • A SO can be created without assigning a customer
        • A SO can be assigned as a Make-to-stock type
          • This removes shipping and invoice nodes from the process tree
        • An order that is completed without shipping or invoicing will be added to the Part Number inventory in Steelhead

        Block Partial Shipments

        Blocks partial shipments by default when creating a sales order or work order.

        Skip Pass Through Dialog In Receiving Work Flow

        When enabled, this will auto-select the first matching quote line when parts are assigned to a quote with multiple quote lines

        Default Serial-Type Part Groups To Internal

        When enabled, this will assign parts groups to the customers

        Place Each Received Batch On Its Own Work Order By Default

        When enabled, this will automatically place each received batch on separate Work Orders for better traceability

        Place Each Received Batch On Its Own Sales Order Line By Default

        When enabled, this will place each received batch on separate Sales Order Lines for individual pricing

        Transfer Quote Part Number Description to Work Order Part Number Description

        • Turn on domain setting
        • Create quote with a part number that contains a quote part number description
        • Confirm when creating sales order + adding parts that 'Part Number on Work Order Details' is populated from the quote part number description


        Power Tools: Enable Predictive Inventory Usage

        Enables Predictive Inventory Usage Power Tools.

        Disable Inventory Alerts On Order Entry

        Disables Inventory Alerts On Order Entry Pages/Dialogs.

        Show Inventory Status Report On Add Parts

        Adds a button to add parts table to view Inventory status of selected treatments.

        Force Undefined Work Order On Inventory Depletions


        This would effectively disable Inventory Costing on Work Orders!

        Disable Add From Recent Work Orders On Inventory Depletion

        Adds a button on depletion dialogs to find/select work orders based on recent parts transfers.

        Limit Clear Batch Price Override to Higher Priced Batches

        Changes behavior of batches, only clearing your batch price overrides if a new batch is created with a higher unit price, rather than when any new batch is created.

        Set Inventory Batch QR Code Label Size

        A numerical entry field for the height and width selection of QR Code Label Sizes on Inventory Batches.

        Carry Over Purchase Order Item Surcharges By Default

        If there were surcharges on the last issued purchase order for the item, these will be auto-added to the next purchase order.


        Define On-Time-Delivery "Shipped" date as packing slip created

        The Insights Report for Customer on Time Deliveries runs on the date the packing slip was signed. If you would like it to be on the date the packing slip was created, you can turn on this domain setting:

        Part Numbers, Processes, & Treatments

        Enable Splits and Joins of Parts

        Allows splitting/joining parts. For example, you might split 1 Car into 2 Axels and 4 Wheels.

        Archive PN by Default

        Sets the default value of the PN 'Archived' Check Box when creating new Part Numbers.


        Add and edit Labels for your domain. This setting contains a button to open the labeling interface.

        Ask for Racking Info

        Ask for racking information on part number creation.

        Disable Racking Info Sub-Dialog On Add Parts

        Disables racking information sub-dialog on add parts table.

        Ask for Timing Info

        Ask for treatment timing information on part number creation.

        Disable Timing Info Sub-Dialog On Add Parts

        Disables treatment timing information sub-dialog on add parts table.

        Skip Treatment Details Dialog

        Skip details on Treatment Creation.

        Show Routes Page

        Show create Routes page by default after parts table creation.

        Show Priorities

        Show an icon on Dashboards and Workboards to indicate the priority.

        Show Racks Related To Parts

        Show Racks with part number overrides on dialog by default.

        Shipping: BOL-only Mode

        For the shipping module, only use Bills of Lading.

        Filter Out Location Types In Location Selection

        Do not show location types in location selection dropdowns. This is useful if you follow 'type.entity.type.entity..' naming convention in locations.

        Enable Print Travelers Option On Adding Parts

        Adds an option to save and print WO travelers immediately after adding parts.

        Toggle Station Based Scheduling on Home Screen

        Shows Station Scheduling on Homescreen.

        Part Number Accounting ID/Name Max Length

        An Entry Field for submitting the maximum length of Part Number Accounting IDs and names.

        Accounting ID/Name Illegal Characters

        An Entry Field for submitting the characters that are forbidden from being included in Part Number Accounting IDs and names.

        Customer Accounting ID/Name Max Length

        An Entry Field for submitting the maximum length of Customer Accounting IDs and names.

        Default Treatment Group Displays

        Some Dropdown Selection Entry Fields for editing the treatment groups that you would like to display on your packing slips and invoices.

        Product Name Max Length

        An Entry Field for submitting the maximum length of Product Names.


        Auto Archive

        An option for selecting if marking data inactive in the accounting software automatically be archived in Steelhead.

        Auto Unarchive

        An option for selecting if marking data active in the accounting software automatically be unarchived in Steelhead.

        Default Sales Tax

        A Dropdown Menu for selecting the default sales tax.

        Default Tax Code

        A Dropdown Menu for selecting the default tax code, tax or non-tax.

        Configure Default New Charge Revenue Account

        A Dropdown Menu for selecting which account should be connected to new revenue charges by default.

        Configure Default New Expense Expense Account

        A Dropdown Menu for selecting which expense account should be connected to new expenses by default.

        Configure Default New Invoice Receivable Account

        A Dropdown Menu for selecting which recievable account should be connected to new invoices by default.

        Configure Default New Purchase Order Payable Account

        A Dropdown Menu for selecting which payable account should be connected to new purchase orders by default.

        Configure Default New Product * Account

        Some Dropdown Menus for selecting which account should be connected to new products by default.

        Configure Default New Service * Account

        Some Dropdown Menus for selecting which account should be connected to new services by default.

        Configure Default New Consumable * Account

        Some Dropdown Menus for selecting which account should be connected to new consumables by default.


        Create Certs on Packing Slip

        Automatically attach certs to packing slips.

        Create Certs on Bill of Lading

        Automatically attach certs to Bills of Lading.

        Work Parts Instruction Panel

        Default Image Size

        Option to pick the default image size, between small, medium, and large.

        Auto Scroll Images On Work Parts Pages

        Automatically pages through images on the work parts page.

        Hide Inventory Section On Work Parts Pages

        Hides inventory section on work parts pages on workboards/work orders.

        Scanner Workboard

        QR codes for Scanner Workboard

        Some tucked-away functionality buttons for Scanner Workboards.

        Packing Slips

        Attach Packing Slip PDFs Directly To Email

        Attaches packing slip PDFs directly to email.

        Scheduling Time Settings

        Scheduling Time Settings

        Some switches for choosing the units and details in Scheduling.

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