

    Article summary

    Dashboards are configurable organized cards.

    Create dashboards to get a quick summary of where your Work Orders are. For example, you might create a "Plant Process Overview" dashboard for a high level overview of where orders are on your floor, or an "Anodize Department" dashboard to track orders through your anodizing stations.

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    Process Overview Dashboard:

    A centralized plant management dashboard provides real-time insights into production metrics, inventory levels, and order status. The dashboard enables decision-makers to monitor performance and identify areas for improvement

    Searching Dashboards

    The search bar in the Dashboards Menu is one way used to locate specific Dashboards. Options are included to search by Work Orders, Sales Orders, Part Numbers, Customers, Treatments, Processes, Locations, or all.

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    Navigating Dashboards

    Since your plant can hold many types of treatment stations, you can create as many different Dashboard cards as you like. They can also be edited and rearranged on your screen as needed. Additionally, each card has a fullscreen view option if this view is preferred by the user.

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    Fullscreen Card View

    Pressing the "Expand" button next to the name of a Dashboard card will open the fullscreen view. In this view there can be found a few options for arranging the dashboard menu more quickly.

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    In this page three data rows are shown, and each tells different information about the dashboard:


    • Shows the name of the Dashboard Card.
    • Shows how long ago the Card was created.
    • Shows the creator of the Card.


    • Shows the amount of parts on the Work Order.
    • Lists relevant Work Orders in the Dashboard.
    • Shows the customer of the listed parts.
    • Shows the Work Order due date. This is set on the Work Order.
    • Allows for rearranging and deletion of parts on the card.


    • Lists process node transitions associated with the dashboard card.
    Populate Dashboard Card:
    1. Create a Dashboard card in Dashboards.
    2. Go to Processes, choose one.
    3. Select the Node that the relevant task occurs at.
    4. With the Node highlighted, scroll down to Dashboard Transition and select "+ new Dashboard Transition."
    5. Select the Dashboard, Dashboard Card, and Station (if applicable) that you wish to populate with the information in Dashboards.
    6. Check the "Remove From Dashboard After Node Completed" if you want parts to be removed automatically from the card after they leave the associated process node.

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