Creating and Finalizing Certs

        Creating and Finalizing Certs

        Article summary

        For Work Orders that include Part Numbers with Spec data, you can generate Certs that display the results of production measurements taken during processing.

        Creating Certs from the Work Order Page

        1. Go to the work order page for the work order that you want to create the cert for
        2. Click the "Create Cert" button
        3. Choose the specs to include in the cert
        4. Choose the template for the cert
          1. Template PDFs can be customized in Domain Settings
        5. Preview the cert to make sure that it appears as expected
        6. Click the "Save" button to save the draft of the cert

        Creating a Cert.gif

        Creating Certs from the Shipping Dashboard

        1. On the Shipping Dashboard, click the "Create Certs" icon next to the packing slip that contains the parts that you want to create the cert for
          1. Red badges indicate that a cert had been created
        2. Select from the options showing which part/cert combinations are available to create
          1. Select multiple options to create multiple certs at the same time
        3. Click "Next"
        4. Choose the PDF template for the cert and click "Save"
        5. Preview your cert and click "Finish"
        6. Sign the cert, include your name and position, and click "Save"

        cert ship dash.gif

        Finalizing Certs

        • Navigate to the cert draft that you want to finalize through one of the following options:
          • Using the "Certifications" link from the work order page
          • From the "Certifications" page, by searching, filtering, or scrolling
        • Select the customer address to include it on the cert
        • Enter any miscellaneous comments regarding the work order, parts, or cert
        • Provide a Certification Statement, if applicable
        • Save the entered text by clicking the "Save Text" button
        • Click the "Convert Draft to Finalized" button
        • Sign the cert and save

        Finalizing certs.gif

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