Add to Shipment/Finalize many

    Add to Shipment/Finalize many

    Article summary

    Add to Shipment:

    Users may add packing slips to a shipment in two additional places when scanning + loading packing slips/containers: from the Load Shipment dialog or from the Edit Shipment dialog.

    • From Load Shipment Dialog: Enable Domain setting for loading shipments
    • Create shipment and add packing slips
    • Open Load shipment dialog
    • Scan a packing slip or container on a packing slip that isn't on the shipment to add it to shipment + mark as loaded
    • Create a shipment
    • Open edit shipment dialog
    • Search for and add packing slips within the dialog box

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.02.49 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.03.10 PM.png

    Finalize Many:

    Many packing slips may be finalized at once if they share the same billing address, shipping address, and customer contact.

    • Create multiple packing slip drafts that have the same billing address, shipping address, and contact
    • Select packing slips
    • Click Finalize button
    • Verify that the Email send and Packing Slip Finalize are both completed correctly

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.03.56 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.04.26 PM.png

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