

        Article summary


        • Steelhead now shows the specific inventory item name in the inventory batch dialog
          • This lets the user know what item they are adding the batch to


        • Sales Order and Watch Tower lists will retain their selected list display sizes for the current session
        • Large Update to the way Specs and Recipes work together
          • This will tie Specs much more deeply with recipes​
          • PNs that need spec adjustments must now be updated on the WO​
          • Adjusting specs within Specs, Part Numbers, or Treatments is still available, but will only apply to future WOs​
          • Contract Review is a recommended feature for those using and adjusting specs regularly​
          • Spec Results, measurement recording, certifications, will remain the same​
          • Adjusting Specs on PNs at order entry will remain the same
        • New [EDIT SPECS] button available on WOs and in Contract Review​
          • This button can be used by those with the "Archive: Spec Measurements" user permission​
          • Use the [EDIT SPECS] button to review specs, spec fields, and params​
          • View, add, and archive specs​
          • View, add, archive, and edit spec field params​
          • Filter by Recipe Node, Location, and Quick Params​
          • Create location-based spec field params​​


        • Enabled users to begin typing in a search bar without clicking on it in any tile with a search bar


        • Added new designs for several icons on the home screen
        • Mark part accounts as done invoicing during invoice creation to prevent associating another invoice line with that part account in the future
        • Invoice Terms Payment Required to Ship option
          • Warning “Payment Required” displays on the shipping dashboard for orders with these terms
          • Filter Payment Required to Ship on invoicing dashboard
            Useful for Call-on-demand orders
        • New Sales Order setting: Is Blanket Sales Order
          • Blanket SOs will not close when their line-items are closed; they can only be manually closed
          • In addition, Sales Order Lines with a null quantity on a blanket order will not auto-close upon invoicing
        • Added 6 new insights reports:
          • Processed Parts
          • Rack Throughput (Analog)
          • Rack Throughput (Digital)
          • NCR Overview
          • Shipped Parts
          • Quoting Winrates
        • Three new domain settings
          • Define “Shipped” date as bill of lading created
          • Define “Shipped” date as shipment created
          • Default Parts Processed Tag
        • Changed the definition of “Shipped” in dock to dock report
        • Added timestamp for “data current as of:” in both insights and reporting


        • When creating or editing workboard cards, a toggle switch has been added that will change whether or not the full part location path will be shown
        • Added a drop down in shared nodes to that automatically hides the shared nodes list
        • Enabled users to bulk send quotes to a customer
          • Select group of quotes with common customer (should not allow multiple customers to be selected)
          • Click bulk actions
          • Click send email


        • Enabled users to see what the customer paid and what they are receiving in the payments tooltip
          • Issue payment
          • After success, you will see the paid and received in dollars on the tooltip


        • New rack type “Container”
          • Add a “Containerize” process node before shipping
          • Containerize any parts that are going to the same address at containerize node
          • Create packing slips from containers to ship as a single unit
        • Loading status for shipments
          • Turn on domain setting to enable loaded/unloaded status indicators on shipments
          • Click the indicator or scan the relevant QR code to change status to “loaded”
          • Use packing slip or container QR codes
        • Rack PDF template now available
          • Template includes rack name, ID, and QR code by default.
          • Quick-print buttons for individual racks
          • Mass print for groups of racks


        • If you send an invoice preview via email, the contacts you select will now be selected the next time you go to send an invoice preview to that customer
        • “Invoice Preview” renamed to “Sales Order Acknowledgement”


        • Added direct-to-browser camera support to Steelhead
        • Allowed domain administrators to set the default position of "update defaults" when adding parts to work order, and to disable the feature to prevent use if desired
          • In domain settings, under parts/processes, there are two new domain settings
          • One sets the default position of "update defaults" (on or off)
          • The second new domain setting disables the feature when on the add parts page


        • Enabled users to search customers by phone number or partial phone numbers
        • Enabled users to save custom configurations on insights reports
          • Users don't have to re-configure the report views every time they return to them, they can just select them from the list of options created for each component
          • Use the perspective viewer to configure the data as desired, then save the configuration
          • Configurations can be created, overwritten, and deleted
          • Each component can be reset back to saved configurations after changes


        • Merged Saled Order lines will now automatically be named along with the part number included on them
        • Removed internal notes from displaying in the customer portal
        • Added customer facing notes for work orders that will display in the customer portal
        • Added initial response deadline to Corrective Action Report CSV export
        • Added a Hidden Parts notification on workboards
          • This will show how many parts are hidden due to filtering and hidden PN labels
        • Added "Part Number Label" to the filter options when in receiving
          • Click on filters, then part number labels


        • New Integrations module for managing online integrations
        • New Sage Intacct integration

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