WO/PN Traveller PDF

    WO/PN Traveller PDF

    Article summary

    Overview of Travellers

    Traveller PDFs are printable record-keeping forms that follow a Work Order across the factory floor. Travellers provide basic information and notes that every station operator should be able to see right away if needed.

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    Travellers can be customized. Common sections on travellers include:

    1. Work Order Title

    The Work Order that the Travller is attached to.

    2. Purchase Order and Received Order

    The Purchase Order is the ID record of purchasing this part from supplier companies. The Received Order is the order placed by the customer, which may contain many parts.

    3. Customer

    The name of the Work Order customer.

    4. Part Number

    The Part Number identifies which parts are included in the Work Order that the Traveller is attached to.

    5. Part Quantity

    This is the amount of the specific part number that has been ordered.

    6. Process

    The Process shows the type of work that will be done on the Work Order.

    7. Treatments

    The Treatments are the specific steps that need to be performed on the Work Order.

    8. Received Order Notes

    Notes entered on the Received Order. These notes apply to all Part Numbers and Work Orders on the Received Order.

    9. Work Order Notes

    Notes entered on the Work Order. These notes apply to all Part Numbers on the Work Order.

    10. Part Number Notes

    Notes entered on the Part Number. These notes apply to only the individual Part Numbers.

    11. Company Logo

    The customer's logo can be displayed on Travellers for quick identification.

    12. QR Code

    The QR code opens the Work Order page for the traveller. This is useful for quickly finding more information needed for the parts.

    Adding Specs to Travellers

    To include spec information on Travellers, the specs must be included on the Process Nodes that the Part Numbers will pass through.

    For example, if a work order has the specs "Powder Spec" and "Zinc Barrel Clear Trivalent", these specs must be added to the relevent process node.

    To do this:

    • On the work order's page, double-check the specs needed
    • Scroll down to the recipe tree
    • Select the node that matches your station
    • Select the hyperlink showing the process node that your station's recipe node derives from
    • Scroll down and click the "+ ADD SPEC FIELD" button
    • Select the specs you want to show on the traveller

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    Adding Received Time and User to Travellers

    To include metadata information on travellers (who used a WO and when), you will need to open the PDF editor manually.

    • In the work order, press the QR code button and then the "framed A" button.
    • A similar looking button should be pressed in the Actions column of the next page
    • Once this menu is opened you can choose a field in the template
    • Then click "Insert data Field" in the right-hand sidebar
    • Finally, select the "received batches" option in the table that appears

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