Voiding and Adjusting Invoices

        Voiding and Adjusting Invoices

        Article summary

        For auditing and accounting purposes, Steelhead does not allow invoices to be edited after they have been sent to customers. If an invoice sent to a customer contains an error, the invoice should be voided and a new one created.

        Voiding a Synced Invoice Does Not Change Invoice Status in Accounting!

        Once an invoice has been synced, voiding the invoice in Steelhead does NOT void it in your accounting software. If the invoice has already synced to accounting, it must also be voided there as well.

        Voiding an Invoice

        1. There are two places where invoices may be voided:
          1. On the Invoicing Dashboard screen, on the "Invoices (last 30 days)" tile
          2. On the "View All Invoices" page.
        2. Click the "Void Invoice" arrow to the right of the invoice.
        3. A popup window will ask whether you want to undo and void the invoice. Click "Yes."

        Voiding an Invoice.gif

        Adjusting a Work Order to Create a New Invoice

        1. After voiding the invoice, make the necessary adjustments on the Work Order.
        Uncompleting Parts

        If the work orders on the invoice have already been marked as "complete," you will need to uncomplete the work order and delete the "complete" step to push the parts back to the Invoicing node. This is necessary to "re-do" the invoice step.

        See Uncompleting a Work Order

        1. Make sure the parts to be invoiced are in the "Invoicing" node. You can see when active parts are ready to be invoiced on the Invoicing Dashboard.
        2. Create a new invoice for the parts.
        3. If desired, email the new adjusted invoice to the customer.

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