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Sales Tax Schedules
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Sales Tax Schedules
Sales Tax Schedules are lists that outline specific tax rates for different items, services, or regions. 'Sales Tax' options are displayed in many locations in Steelhead.
To reach your list of Sales Taxes in Steelhead:
- Open the Domain tile.
- Click the 'View Sales Tax Schedules' button found in the Integrations & Downloads section.
Sales Taxes Table
Sales Tax information is brought over to Steelhead from your integrated accounting software. Otherwise, the information is manually entered with the 'New Sales Tax' button.
The Sales Tax table can be searched, ordered, and paged.
Each row of the table displays:
- Name - Linked to more details about sales tax
- Archived At - date the tax code was archived
- Related Tax Rates
- Description
- Actions
- View integration history
- Update sales tax from integration
- Archive/unarchive
- Edit (if tax code was manually added)
To make edits to Sales Taxes that are connected to an integrated accounting software, they must be made in the accounting software and then updated in Steelhead.
Sales Tax Set Up
A sales tax may be set up like this:
- Sales tax location, with associated legal tax rate
- Sales tax location, with multiple associated tax rates
- Sales Tax Exempt, with 0% rate associated
Default Sales Tax
If you want a tax code to be automatically set on line items, use the Domain Setting 'Default Sales Tax' to determine the default tax code. You may change the sales tax that is set automatically on an invoice or purchase order.
Sales tax can be set on Customers, Customer Addresses, and Vendors. These defaults override the Domain Setting default sales tax.
Details of Use
Sales Tax is used at Invoicing and Purchase Order creation. Set the Sales Tax to determine what percent of amounts are taxed. Tax Codes on line items play a role in whether Sales Tax is applied or not.
Purchase orders give a detailed overview of what tax amounts are applied, right on creation.
Invoices do not display tax calculations until the invoice is saved.