Shipment Manager

        Shipment Manager

        Article summary

        Shipment Manager

        The shipment manager is the area of the shipping page that is meant to schedule the shipping of packages and track which ones are active vs. which ones have been shipped already.

        • It provides an place to manage all these settings for packages separate from other ones, like the options for trucks and packing slips
        • This is to clean up the display and give each set of options its own category in this area of the website used for all things shipping

        Top Bar

        On the top of the screen there are viewing options for the Shipment Manager:

        • First comes the date written as a month abbreviation rather than a month number
          • Includes the weekday
        • Next to the date are control buttons to skip back and forth through different days, skip to today, view the day divided into larger or smaller portions, and reset the zoom to the default
        • Last comes a switch to view by day or by week, depending on if a big picture or detailed view is wished
          Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 8.11.47 AM.png

        The next half of the top bar contains dropdown menus for filtering the shipment manager calendar. They:

        • Are helpful in narrowing down your view of the planned shipments
        • Are organized by customer, Delivery Method, User, Location, Carrier, and Truck
        • Will all be listed under the top bar in the "Filters" list
          Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 8.13.54 AM.png

        Display Area

        The left display window is meant to show different classes of items being shipped:

        • It is able to switch between four viewing options, "All", "Active", "Shipped", and "Other Events"
        • These are a bit like the filters on the top bar, but are not meant for the same level of customization
          Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 8.19.07 AM.png

        Each of the shipments as shown here will have a few buttons: Delete, Edit, Mark as Not Shipped, and view slip details. In the view slip details popup is the date that the packing slip for this shipment was created.

        Under the left window are two more buttons, one for creating an Event and the other for creating a Shipment:

        • Pressing "Create Event" opens a popup for assigning the even to a user or location, and selecting start and end times
        • The "Create Shipment" button only works completely when a packing slip is selected, but when one is available options can be set for assigning the shipment and setting dates similar to the "Create Event" option
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        The right window is a calendar for giving information about all shipments that have been scheduled. The buttons on the top bar may be used to focus on different parts of the calendar, and filters may be used to highlight different shipments as needed.

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