Using Embedded Search Bars

        Using Embedded Search Bars

        Article summary

        In addition to the Global Search Bar, many screens in Steelhead also have embedded search bars. These search bars allow you to search the specific screen you're on. Some pages also offer filtering options as well. See below for more information on the search options for each page.

        Pages with embedded seach bars only

        Vendors, Racks

        These pages have embedded search bars that allow you to search for an item on the page.

        • The search bar only returns results from the page, so you can use it to quickly find whether what you're looking for is there.
        • Order your search results by choosing from the "Order By" drop down list beneath the embedded search bar.
          simple search.gif

        Pages with embedded search bars and custom filters

        These pages include embedded search bars and Order By options. Additionally, on each of these pages, you can filter what is displayed using filter options:

        These pages have filter options below the embedded search bar, as shown here:

        Quotes Search.gif


        The Processes page allows you to filter processes by the Tags they are associated with, as shown here:

        Processes Search.gif

        Pages with embedded search bars, custom filters, and preset slicers

        These pages have all of the above search options. Additionally, they also feature preset slicers that allow you to quickly narrow down your results.

        Sales Orders

        The Sales Orders page allows you to slice your results by Active or Complete status, as shown below:
        Feb-20-2024 16-18-03.gif

        Work Orders

        The Work Orders page allows you to slice your results by Staged, Active, or Complete status, as shown below:

        Feb-22-2024 14-12-00.gif

        Purchase Orders

        The Purchase Orders page allows you to slice your results by Drafts, Issued, and Fulfilled status, as shown below:

        Feb-22-2024 14-10-46.gif

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