

    Article summary


    A Station is a physical location that can perform one or more Treatments. Examples of stations can include:

    • Ovens
    • Paint Booths
    • Tanks

    Treatment Groups

    A Treatment Group is a group of similar treatments. Treatment Groups are useful for scenarios such as paint color, where there are many Treatments (or colors) that belong to the same Treatment Group.

    Instead of specifying that a "Paint Booth" Station can perform many color Treatments, you can specify that the Station can perform the Treatment Group.

    Adding Treatments to Stations

    Adding a Treatment to a Station means that the Station can perform the Treatment. For example, Station "Oven #1" can perform the "Cure" Treatment.

    Add all the Treatments that a Station can perform and the Steelhead Planner will plan accordingly!

    Adding treatments is very simple, but if you need some help you can check out this video.

    Station Locations:

    It's helpful to set locations for each station, especially if your company has similar facilities at different addresses. With locations assigned, any handheld scanner that is set to a location will only access the stations at the same location.


    Parameters on a Station allow you to provide Operators with the settings of the Station for specific Part Numbers.

    For example, you can specify that for Part Number "F-150 Bumper", the Parameter "Temperature" on Station "Oven #1" should be 450 degrees.

    Block Time

    This is the time between batches of Parts in this Station. For example, if Station "Oven #2" is a conveyor, it can accept a new batch of Parts every 5 minutes. Then 5 minutes would be the Block Time.

    For a Station that cannot support multiple batches of Parts, for example an inspection Station, the Block Time should be the same as the Processing Time.

    Station Deadlines:

    If you have ever thought you'd like work station deadlines to help ensure the parts are moving through each station on time, Station Scheduling would be something to consider trying.


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