Shipping - Trucking Dashboard

        Shipping - Trucking Dashboard

        Article summary

        The "Truck Mode" is an option on the Shipping Dashboard to limit what is displayed. The Truck Mode hides the "Create" options for Packing Slips and Bills of Lading. Only packing slips or bills of lading that are ready to sign or have been signed appear in Truck Mode.

        Devices that are commonly used for signing packing slips or bills of lading can save Truck Mode filters. Then, when the Shipping Dashbaord is accessed on the device, the Truck Mode will be the default view for that device.

        To toggle Truck Mode on:

        1. Navigate to the Shipping Dashboard
        2. Click the "Toggle Truck Mode On" truck icon on the top right of the screen
        3. Set filters, as desired
        4. Save any filters for future use, as desired
        5. Click the truck icon again to toggle off


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