

    Article summary

    Shipping in Steelhead

    Steelhead shipping is used to create, finalize, sign, and send Packing Slips and/or Bills of Lading. These items can then be linked to a Shipment.

    The main quadrants within the Shipping Dashboard are:

    Ready to Ship - Create Packing Slip Drafts from this tile.

    Packing Slip Drafts - Ability to View Packing Slip Drafts and create Finalized Packing Slips and/or BOL.

    Packing Slip Finalized / Bill of Lading Created - This is where a Packing Slip / Bill Of Lading can be signed.

    Packing Slip Signed / Bill Of Lading Signed - All Signed Packing Slips and Bills Of Lading stay here until they are marked as Finalized (Finalizing will send them out of the Shipping Dashboard).

    Select Similar Button:

    The 'Select Similar' button to the Ready to Ship and Packing Slip Draft sections on the shipping dashboard has a very similar use in both locations on the shipping dashboard.

    • Usage in Ready to Ship:
      • Move containers into ready for shipping
      • From the containers tab of Ready to Ship
      • Select one container
      • Click 'Select Similar'
      • Other containers that have the same customer get selected
    • Usage in Packing Slip Drafts:
      • Select one packing slip
      • Click 'Select Similar'
      • Other packing slips with the same customer, ship to, bill to, and customer contact get selected

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    Packing Slips

    Packing Slips are utilized to display all the items that are to be delivered and/or picked up. This is a legal document that typically displays the weight and quantity of items the customer should expect to see.

    Weight Types

    Your packing slip will display the net weight, which is the weight of the items being shipped. Other amounts to keep in mind are the tare weight, which is the weight of the shipping vehicle when empty, and the gross weight, which is the combined weight of the vehicle and shipment.

    Add to Shipment:

    Users may add packing slips to a shipment in two additional places when scanning + loading packing slips/containers: from the Load Shipment dialog or from the Edit Shipment dialog.

    1. From Load Shipment Dialog: Enable Domain setting for loading shipments.
    2. Create shipment and add packing slips.
    3. Open Load shipment dialog.
    4. Scan a packing slip or container on a packing slip that isn't on the shipment to add it to shipment + mark as loaded.
    5. Create a shipment.
    6. Open edit shipment dialog.
    7. Search for and add packing slips within the dialog box.

    Finalize Many:

    Many packing slips may be finalized at once if they share the same billing address, shipping address, and customer contact.

    1. Create multiple packing slip drafts that have the same billing address, shipping address, and contact.
    2. Select packing slips.
    3. Click Finalize button.
    4. Verify that the Email send and Packing Slip Finalize are both completed correctly.

    Please see the dedicated page for these features.

    Bill Of Lading

    A Bill of Lading transfers legal obligation from the vendor to the freight company (somewhat like liability).


    Video walkthrough on Shipments

    Truck Mode

    Truck Mode will eliminate the "Ready for Shipping" and "Packing Slip Draft" quadrants from the page, allowing drivers to only see what they need to see, as it may not be their job to generate these documents.

    Drop Shipping:

    Provides the ability to bypass your customer and ship to the "Customers' customer".

    Domain Setting to be used: "Enable Drop Shipping"

    See the Drop Ship checkbox on the Create Packing Slip Dialog:

    Invoice and Packing Slip PDFs should be updated if this domain setting is turned on.

    When a packing slip becomes finalized but has not been signed, you still have the option to go back and edit your PDF by clicking the Regenerate PDF button:
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    You can also select a drop ship Customer & Address on sales orders and packing slips when the Drop Ship domain setting is turned on.

    • Contacts are distinguished between Original & Drop Ship customer.
    • Bill Of Lading 3rd party freight charges can be billed to either Original or Drop Ship customer.


    Shipping Containers:

    A "Container" in Shipping acts like a Rack does in other Processes.

    1. Add a "Containerize" process node before shipping.
    2. Containerize any parts that are going to the same address at the Containerize node.
    3. Create packing slips from Containers to ship as a single unit.

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    See the main page on Shipping Containers for more info.

    Loading status for shipments

    1. Turn on the domain setting to enable Loaded/Unloaded status indicators on shipments.
    2. Click the indicator or scan the relevant QR code to change status to "Loaded".
    3. Use packing slip or container QR codes.
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    Rack PDF template now available

    • Template includes Rack Name, ID, and QR Code by default.
    • Quick-print buttons for individual racks.
    • Mass print for groups of racks.
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    Shipping Videos

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