

        Article summary

        Shipping in Steelhead

        Steelhead shipping is used to create, finalize, sign, and send Packing Slips and/or Bill of Lading. These items can then be linked to a Shipment.

        There are main quadrants within the Shipping Dashboard:

        Ready for Shipping - Create Packing Slip Drafts from this tile.

        Packing Slip Draft - View Packing Slip Drafts (double check what is created and that it is correct), ability to create Finalized Packing Slips and/or BOL.

        Finalized Packing Slip / BOL Created - here a P.S. / BOL can be signed.

        Packing Slip / BOL Signed - Where all Signed P.S. and BOL lie until they are marked as finalized (moved on and away from the Shipping Dashboard).

        Packing Slips

        Packing Slips are utilized to display all the items that are to be delivered and/or picked up. This is a legal document that typically displays the weight and quantity of items the customer should expect to see.

        Weight Types

        Your packing slip will display the net weight, which is the weight of the items being shipped. Some other amounts worth keeping in mind are the tare weight, which is the weight of the shipping vehicle when empty, and the gross weight, which is both the net weight and tare weight added together.

        Bill Of Lading

        A Bill of Lading transfers legal obligation from the vendor to the freight company (somewhat like liability). A BOL


        Video walkthrough Shipments:

        Truck Mode

        Truck Mode will eliminate the 'Ready for Shipping' and 'Packing Slip Draft' quadrants from the page allowing drivers to only see what 'they need to see' as it may not be their job to generate these documents.

        Drop Shipping:

        Adds ability to bypass their customer and ship to the "customers' customer".

        Domain Setting to be used: "Enable Drop Shipping"

        On Create Packing Slip Dialog:

        Invoice and Packing Slip PDFs should be updated if this domain setting is turned on.

        Shipping Videos

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