Setting up the Steelhead-Sage 50 Integration

    Setting up the Steelhead-Sage 50 Integration

    Article summary

    Pre-Integration Customer Requirements

    1. Identify a Steelhead user that also has Sage 50 Administrative Access. This account will link the two programs.

    The account you identify in Step 1 will need to be logged in to Sage 50 and running the Web Connector app in order to sync data. Make sure that this account is able to accomodate this responsibility.

    1. Download the Steelhead Web Connector App from the Domain screen
      1. Click the pencil icon in the Sage 50 Accounting Integration box
      2. Download the Connector App
      3. Store the file in an easy to find location (the desktop is recommended)


    1. From the Domain page, download the Sage 50 .json file by clicking on the "download" icon. Store the file in the same location as the Connector App.

    Download Sage 50 json.gif

    Integration Steps

    1. Open the Web Connector app from Step #2 above
      1. The app will need to be running throughout the integration process
      2. If running the app regularly does not work, right click and choose "Run as Administrator"
    2. Log into Sage 50 with administrator credentials
    3. Configure Sage 50 to accept the connection from the Web Connector app
    Need help with this step?
    1. Check the Sage 50 income accounts listed in the Steelhead --> Domain --> Configure Sage 50 Accounting Information screen
      1. Ensure that these are the correct accounts
    2. Check the "Overwrite" boxes for fields you want Sage 50 to overwrite in Steelhead
    Which permissions should you allow?

    See Steelhead and Sage 50 Field Mapping for more information about what overwrite permissions are granted with each box.

    1. Click "Save"

    Sage 50 settings.gif

    Sage 50/100 Steelhead Connector


    Using a Windows 10 computer, install and run Docker Desktop on Windows, and configure it to host Windows images.
    Clone/extract the repository (to C:\ for commands below).

    Next, build the development image and run it, like so:

    [steelhead-connector]$ docker -H WINDOWS_HOST_IP build --tag steelhead-connector-dev --file docker/Dockerfile docker
    [steelhead-connector]$ docker run --rm -it -v 'c:\steelhead-connector:c:\steelhead-connector' --workdir 'c:\steelhead-connector' steelhead-connector-dev

    Then use the image to build a release, updating Version as necessary:

    PS C:\steelhead-connector> dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x86 -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:PublishReadyToRun=true -p:Version= --self-contained

    Upload the resulting executable produced in .\bin\Release\win-x86\publish as a release artifact to Github.


    On the computer running the Sage 50/100 server, or main user of Sage 50/100, do the following steps.
    Download the connector app from the Sage 50/100 integration configuration dialog at
    Also, download the Sage 50/100 integration configuration file (steelhead-sageXXX.json) from:
    Place both files on the Windows Desktop.

    Set up a Sage 50 data source and access

    Run the 32-bit ODBC Data Source tool, and configure Sage 50 data source.




    Use "Steelhead-Sage50" as the data source name, and instead of "DEFAULTDB", you will need to select the company database used by your company.

    In the Sage 50 menu, go to the Users section (found under Lists) and select the Data Access/Crystal Reports tab.


    Enable access to Sage 50 and set a password ("Sage50!" works well).


    Set up Sage 100 access

    Edit the steelhead-sage100.json configuration file to set the user name and their password.
    The 3-character code for the company must also be specified.
    In Sage 100, ensure the user specified has the ability to create A/R Customers, C/I Miscellaneous Items, and A/R Invoices.
    Also, ensure that external access is allowed for the company.



    Simply double-click the application to run it, and it will use the configuration file to connect to both Sage 50 and Steelhead in order to exchange data.
    The printouts will explain the actions it is taking and what errors are encountered.


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