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Setting Specs
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Specs can be accessed and managed from the "Specs" page, located on the Home page.
Adding New Specs and Spec Fields
- On the "Specs" page, click the "New Spec" button.
- Name the Spec and click "Save".
- From this page, you can edit the spec description using the "Edit" button, or add spec fields using the "New Spec Field" button.
- Adding a new spec field gives you the option to name the field and identify its type such as number, boolean, etc.
- "Number" specs are for recording measurements, quantities, or other data that can be stored numerically.
- "Boolean" specs are stored as either/or inputs. Booleans are good for spec data that asks for these sorts of inputs:
- Yes / No
- Pass / Fail
- True / False
- Click "Save" to create the spec field.
- Once the spec field is created, click its name to set up parameters for the spec field.
- For all specs, give the parameter a name, description, and sampling rate.
- The "Input Required" checkbox will require input for the spec field when moving parts.
- The "Request Document" checkbox provides a space to upload an external document (picture, file, etc.).
- The "One at a Time" checkbox can be checked for measurements that will be entered in individually.
- For "Number" type specs, identify minimum, target, and maximum values for the spec where necessary.
- For all specs, give the parameter a name, description, and sampling rate.
- The spec field parameter can be edited with the pencil icon or permanently deleted with the trash can icon.
A sampling rate of "1" means that every part is measured. A sampling rate of 0.1 means that 1 in 10, or 0.1 of the parts, are measured. A sampling rate of 10 would indicate that each part is measured 10 times.
One at a Time
Some measurements are taken for batches (oven time and temperature for a batch; tank pH; etc.), while some are taken on individual parts (finish thickness, quality inspection, etc.) Choosing "One at a Time" for the spec field can make data entry much easier if you enter data for multiple individual parts all at one time.
[EDIT SPECS] button available on WOs
- This button can be used by those with the "Archive: Spec Measurements" user permission.
- Use the [EDIT SPECS] button to review specs, spec fields, and params.
- NOTE: editing the specs of a part on a work order will change part specs/parameters only for that instance. The changed specs will not apply to the same part number on other work orders.
Non-Linear Sampling Rate:
- Users may set non-linear sampling rates for their params
- These are based on minimum and maximum batch sizes
- This should allow for more flexibility for sampling
- How to use this feature
- Go to the specs page
- Click the sampling link
- Add new sample set
- Go back to specs page
- Create a spec and apply some number spec fields
- Apply your desired params and choose the new sample set
- Apply spec and params to part number or treatment
- Create sales orders
- Add parts to a work order
- Step through to where the param is
- Notice sampling requirements
Setting and Editing Params
Steelhead enables easy editing of spec field params values when setting specs on a quote part:
- Add a spec to a part number or click 'Edit Part Number/Add Specs' from a quote line.
- Use the UI to edit spec field params min, target, max values.
- Toggle to use tolerance at the column header.
- Lines highlighted blue have changes that are ordered appropriately and can be saved.
- Lines highlighted yellow have changes that can’t be saved because the target is not in the min & max.
- Click Save Changes on the bottom banner and ensure spec field params are saved.
This is what you should do to resolve errors like the one shown below:
Some options relating to viewing specs on the process they are attached to:
- Attach a Spec Field to a default process by clicking its slashed circle icon on the Spec page.
- View spec fields attached to the default process by clicking link icons near the process tree.
- View process nodes attached to a spec field by clicking the link icon on the Spec page.
- Add Spec Fields to a Process Node by selecting them directly or using the spec search.
- On a Process Node with a Spec Field, click the Spec Field row to view more information.
Non-Required Process Node Param:
When adding a spec to a part number or changing it, if a new process node (different to what is already assigned) is added, that spec field will apply to that node for all future orders that include that spec/spec field.
- For example, below is the screen that comes up when you try to add a spec to a part number specifically.
- When you select the param you also can select the node as well (as seen in the dropdown).
- If a different node than what the param is already assigned to gets selected, Steelhead will add that param to that process node.
When a param is being added to a recipe node on a work order, if a different process node is selected, a warning will populate to let you know.
- But also, if you do still add it to a different node, it will only add the param to that recipe node for that specific work order if you are editing the specs/part number from a work order.
Allow For Grouped Spec Inputs on Workboards:
Users may enter spec measurements for multiple parts on one panel.
They can also temporarily group parts on a workboard card and enter measurements for all parts that need measurements.
- Find/Create a workboard.
- Find/Add a card with numerous parts that have spec requirements at this stage.
- Select either Group Like Parts or Toggle Multiselect on the card or global filters.
- Observe that the parts are now in collapsed dropdowns with one at the top that says: "More Measurements Required".
- Click on the "Enter Specs" button.
- Enter the spec measurements for the parts When you close the panel, the parts should be moved into other groupings and be ready to move.
- Repeat steps 1-4.
- Use the multiselect toggle to select multiple parts.
- Click on the "Enter Specs" button in the red row at the top of the card.
- Repeat steps 6-7.
Setting Specs videos: