Processes vs. Recipes

        Processes vs. Recipes

        Article summary

        Processes and Recipes in Steelhead are related, but there are some important differences in how they are used by the Steelhead software.

        It can be helpful to think of a process as a generalized blueprint, while a recipe is an exact set of instructions for a specific work order. Every single work order has its very own unique recipe.

        SH flow 2.jpg

        How do Processes and Recipes differ?

        Includes opt-in and opt-out node choices.Includes nodes opted-into on work order creation.
        Does not specify treatment selection.Specifies treatment selection.
        You may choose to derive a recipe from a process when creating a new work order.Work Orders each have their own unique recipe that includes treatment and opt-in / opt-out information.
        Processes may change at any time.Recipes are unchangeable after they are run, which is critical for auditing. Recipes may be adjusted before parts are run through them, however.

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