Prioritizing Stations

    Prioritizing Stations

    Article summary

    Prioritizing Parts by Station helps guide your operators to quickly see the order in which to process jobs.

    1. Select the Prioritization tile from your Steelhead homepage.

    2. Select the Station you would like to Prioritize Parts in.

    3. The Station Prioritization page is split into Work To Be Prioritized on the left and Priority List on the right, with different sorting/filtering options to choose from along the top.

    4. You can click and drag Parts from the Work To Be Prioritized list on the left, over to the Priority List on the right. Click and drag parts up or down to reprioritize.

    Prioritize Stations screen recording

    5. Click the Station drop-down to select a different station.

    • The Priority List for each individual Station is fully independent from the others, and also independent from the Global Priority List.

    6. Click the X next to the Station Name to clear that Station (this will bring you back to the Prioritization main page).

    1. Further sort the list by using the options across the top. See the Prioritization Overview page for more information on these options.

    • Priority Version
    • Workflow Control
    • Deadline

    Work To Be Prioritized

    Displayed in this table is a list of work that has not yet been assigned a priority.

    Use the Search Bar to conduct a general search of all unprioritized work.

    Or select a Column name to sort the list by that column:

    8. Clicking the Prioritize All arrow will Prioritize all Parts displayed in the "Work To Be Prioritized" table, moving them over to the [Station Name] Priority List table.


    In this section you can see, and change, the given level of importance of each job.

    9. The Priority List table lists the Rank, Part Number, Work Order, Part Group, Part Count, Sales Order, Treatment, Node, Customer, and Deadline

    10. You can toggle the Priority List to WORK ORDER or TREATMENT view.


    12. Click the Order by Deadline icon to sort the list by deadline.

    13. Click the Export CSV icon to export the list in CSV format.

    14. Click CLEAR to clear everything from the Priority List. Click SAVE CHANGES if you want to save the Prioritization the way it's currently displayed.

    15. Once you save, you'll see the Priority number bubbles appear alongside Parts in the Workboard.

    • The "G" tells you it's a Global Priority
    • The "S" tells you it's a Station Priority

    Factors Controlling Which Jobs Are Displayed:

    All Parts that can be treated at the selected Station will be displayed in this table

    • For the treatment in question, if the part has been routed to a different station it will not appear on the Unprioritized Tasks list.
    • If a part has undergone all treatments that a station provides, it will no longer appear.

    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 3.05.47 PM.png

    In this image, you can see that each row is for only one treatment.
    In some cases this means the part is routed to this station more than once, for a different treatment each time.

    Prioritizing routes to this station will serve to route this part to the station
    All parts that have been routed to a station can be viewed as routes to that station, as shown in the image below.

    Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 2.49.09 PM.png

    Unfinished Station Priorities:

    Future station priorities will show on work board cards until they pass their assigned stations.
    Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 10.07.06 AM.png

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