Order Entry

        Order Entry

        Article summary

        Sales Orders and Work Orders

        The first thing you will notice about ordering from the Steelhead website is that our orders are split into two categories, these being "Sales Orders" and "Work Orders".

        The difference between these is based on who is processing the order:

        • A Sales Order is a grouping of all parts, work orders, and pricing information that we receive from a customer.
        • A Work Order is a listing of all treatments and processing information for part(s).

        Because of this, a Sales Order can contain multiple Work Orders. We use this system because the wide variety of parts we process need to be separated because their processing steps and details are different.


        A bottom-up feature of Order Entry is Auto-Grouping, meaning that an item added to any work order will automatically be added to the respective sales order. This is a bit like how if a sales order is archived, then all its work orders will be archived.

        Viewing and Placing Sales Orders

        Under "OPERATION" at the very top of the home page, select "Sales Orders". The screen that appears is the "SALES ORDERS" list.

        • Here are details about existing orders, such as the Deadline, Price, and Date created
        • To create a new order, select the button that reads "+ NEW SALES ORDER" at the top left of the screen

        This will bring up a menu called "Create Sales Order" with a few options to change purchase information on the order. Things you may specify include:

        • The type of order wished, including [MAKE_TO_ORDER], [MAKE_FROM_STOCK] and [FULFILL_FROM_STOCK]
        • The Purchase Order number, but it can be left blank if focusing on it is not important for the situation
        • The Customer (the name of the company that is placing the order)
        • The Deadline, which can be set to any date as needed
        • Notes, comments or images relevant to the order
        • Switch Block Partial Shipments on or off (off by default, but this is editable in domain settings)
        How to Set Pricing for a Part on a Sales Order

        If it is still to be determined how we should be pricing parts, there will be no sales order lines for parts on the sales order. There are a few ways to set pricing.

        Different Methods:

        1. Manually create a Sales Order Line, add, line information then select +/- to assign to a Sales Order Part.
        2. Select "+ Part To Sales Order" to add a part to the sales order. From here either assign a quote line item, create a quote, or manually create a sales order line.
        3. Navigate to the invoicing screen and select "Un-Priced Parts". From here all parts without associated sales order lines/pricing will appear.
        4. Create Quote/Pricing on the Sales Order screen itself. This will give the opportunity to quote all parts on the sales order. From here, the sales order lines will be generated based on quoted information.

        Update of Sales Orders

        Quoting Changes

        • The Receive Parts area on a Quote page now shows Quote Line Number, similar to invoicing
        • [CREATE SALES ORDER] and [ADD ADDITIONAL SALES ORDER] buttons will show on a Quote page, depending on if the quote already has a sales order or not
        • Once received, parts on a quote now shows the sales order the parts are on instead of work order
          • This is because Steelhead no longer uses work order pricing

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        Receiving Changes

        • "Receive Parts From Customer" page now has [ADD PARTS] button
          • Creating Sales Order creates a contract (purchase agreement details), this button adds parts to SO and WO

        Sales Orders Changes

        • New "ADD CONTRACT PARTS" button
        • Options for editing contract part count and adding them as new rows are now in "Add Parts to Sales Order"
        • The list of received parts can now be viewed by the whole sales order or sorted by work order
          • SO view contains icons to:
            • Add Parts to Sales Order
            • View Archived/Current Sales Order Parts
            • Edit Sales Order Part
            • Archive Sales Order Part
            • Print QR Code
            • Print Traveler
            • Edit WO Details For Part
            • Adjust WO Part Count icons
          • WO view changes the Price/Unit column to become Sales ($) and includes Unit Price and Total details
          • Both views include a [RECEIVE PARTS] button which pulls up Receive Parts From Contract page
          • You can click the [RECEIVE OTHER PARTS] button to get to the Receive Parts From Customer page
        • If you see "TBD" in the "Total Sales" or "Margin" area, this means the amount is “to be determined”
          • The system assumes pricing is unfinished because there is not a qty or price/part on at least one PN

        Sales Order Lines

        • These will match up to Quote lines and will connect them into invoice lines
        • The list area that shows them all has features like:
          • An [+ ADD LINE] button that will create a new line with blank fields
          • An [+ ADD QUOTED LINES] that will open a page to select a quote and then select any quote lines you would like to add OR create a new quote
          • A [SAVE] button that will construct the Sales Order Lines
          • A [SAVE + ADD PARTS] button that will allow you to add the selected parts to the SO/WO
          • [SAVE LINES] buttons that allow you to save any changes made
          • Edit Line and Archive Line icons
          • View Invoice Line items icon to view invoice associations
          • Many line editing icons such as:
            • Undo Changes
            • Add Line Item
            • Remove Line
            • Move Line Up/Down
            • Close/Reopen
            • Add/Remove Associated Parts
            • Remove Line item
            • Move Line Item to Another Line (along w/ Cancel Move and Move Line Item Here)
          • [HIDE LINES] and [SHOW LINES] buttons
          • View Archived Contract Lines link where you can unarchive any archived lines + View Current Contract Lines link to see all lines that are not archived
        Work Orders Still in Use:
        • WOs are still needed for production
          • They will include things like process / treatment / inventory usage / etc
          • You can think of the Sales Orders as being primarily for the front office (order entry, invoicing) and the Work Orders as being primarily for the shop floor – what Work / Jobs are the operators doing
        • Most Work Orders will correspond to a Sales Order line
          • However, you can create Sales Orders / SO Lines well ahead of when parts are received / when work begins, and then associate them later (they are connected but distinct)
          • Previously, invoicing used WO info heavily for amounts – this update moves away from that dependency

        Invoicing Changes

        • UN-PRICED PARTS tab
          • These parts are listed here when they are on a SO but they do not yet have a price assigned
          • [PRICE PARTS] button to open a menu page called "Create Sales Order Line for Parts"
          • [QUOTE PARTS] button to open a popup menu called "Create Quote"
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        • Status bars:
          • Total Invoiced shows the dollar amount invoiced for already out of the dollar amount of the Total Sales of the SO
          • Parts Received shows a percentage based off how many parts were received out of how many parts are expected to be received
          • Ready to Invoice shows a percentage based off qty ready to be invoiced out of total qty needed to be invoiced
          • Invoiced/Closed shows a percentage based off the total invoiced
        • Lines Closed donut chart to represent how many SOLs are closed out of the total SOLs
        • View All Invoices now in top right of invoices main page
        • [BULK ACTIONS] button available for downloading or emailing multiple invoices at once
        • Add Invoice icon to quickly invoice for full SOs or singular SOLs to eliminate selecting and then clicking [CREATE INVOICE]
        • Statistics section that displays Open Line Item Total dollar amount
        • Close All and Close icons on SOLs that give the ability to manually close Sales Order Lines that no longer need to be invoiced
        • Part View switch to toggle on/off the view of other Part details
        • All invoices that have not yet been finalized can now be edited

        See Also
        Unlocked Workflows:
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        Update Video:

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