Inventory Management

        Inventory Management

        Article summary

        Inventory Management

        Once your inventory has been created, you can manage your inventory by navigating to the inventory page in Steelhead.

        From here, you can either click into one of your inventory types, low inventory control, inventory management, or into your vendors list.

        Depleting Inventory

        Option 1: Operator depletes inventory on their workboard. This will link the depletion with the work order.

        The operator can click "work parts" on their workboard, and then click "deplete" on the inventory item(s) they have used. There is the option to auto deplete which will deplete the oldest inventory batch for this item, or you can click "select batches" to select a different batch to deplete from. The inventory can be depleted by entering the amount remaining or the amount used. The operator can enter a comment to go along with their inventory depletion.



        Option 2: Inventory is depleted later on in the inventory module.

        If inventory is not depleted on the job, it can be depleted later on in a couple of different spots within Steelhead. One option is to navigate to the inventory item's page in Steelhead and scrolling to the "Batches" section. From here, you can click "deplete batches." You will get the deplete inventory dialog where you can select the batch you want to deplete. If you know the work order(s) where this inventory has been used, you can select the work order(s).

        The other spot for inventory depletion is on the inventory management dashboard. To get there, click the hyperlink in the upper right corner of the inventory screen.

        On this screen, there is the option to filter by inventory type, inventory item, and/or transaction date. To deplete an inventory item, click the squiggly arrow on the right side of the page. From here, it is the same deplete inventory dialog with options to select the batch, the depletion amount, the work orders for the depletion, and an option for a depletion comment.

        It is common to use this tool if depletions do not happen at the time of processing. If depletions happen once a week or any other time period, this tool can be used to quickly go through each inventory item and perform depletions.


        Deplete Inventory to a Station
        • Steelhead will allow users to deplete Inventory to a station
          • This allows one to track the active inventory in a station at a time
          • (ex. what acid was in tank 1 at time x)
        • Supports adding more (topping off) and draining and refilling a station with an inventory item
        • The “active” inventory in the station is all the depletions that have occurred in the station
        • Added some limited support for deleting inventory transactions
          • This will allow deleting accidental depletes to station and other inventory transactions.

        Deplete Inventory to Station Tutorial Video

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