

    Article summary

    Inventory, as used in Steelhead, includes all of the supplies and materials on hand meant for the manufacturing of products.

    Inventory in Steelhead does not include Parts or Part Numbers. Inventory typically includes items like paint, powder, and tape that are applied to parts and consumed during production.

    Inventory Types

    Inventory Types are your categories of Inventory. Each Inventory Type includes one or more Inventory Items.

    For example, if you are a powder coating shop, an Inventory Type would be "Powder." Then, the Inventory Items within the powder type might include colors like red, blue, and green.

    Inventory Items

    Inventory Items are the items that you have in your Inventory stock. Each Inventory Item is part of a larger group called Inventory Types.

    For example, if you are a powder coating shop, an Inventory Type would be "powder." Then, the Inventory Items within the powder type might include colors like red, blue, and green.

    Inventory Item Units

    Inventory Items have units. You can choose the most appropriate unit when you create the Inventory Type. It is recommended to use the same units that you use when purchasing or consuming the Inventory.

    For example, if you buy or use powder by the ounce, choose "oz" as your unit.

    Inventory Item Batches

    Inventory Item Batches are connected to your supplier which are used to track each batch in case of a recall.

    For example, one customer may receive 100 pounds of powder which consists of 4 batches.

    Inventory Item Schemas

    You can add custom information to Inventory Items, such as Vendor or bin location, by adding schemas.

    Inventory Batch Schemas

    Batch information schemas are configured in the same way as the Inventory Type schemas demonstrated below. You may configure and enter custom inputs which can be displayed on Inventory Batch PDFs.

    1. On the Inventory Types page, select the "Configure Input Schema" gear icon in the top right corner.
      Input schema 1.1 u;date.png

    2. Select "Edit Item Schema."
      Inventory schema 2.png

    3. Select the green plus icon to add a new schema.
      part 3.png

    4. Select either a "Form element" or a "Form Section."
      create new element or section.png

    A section is a way to organize the inputs/elements that you are requesting. Shown below is an example of sections and elements.
    Input  vs section schema.png

    1. Select the triangle drop down and specify the Object Name, Display Name, Description, Input Type, and Default Value (shown in figure 1 below).

    2. If you want this information to be required, check the "Required" box (shown in figure 2 below).


    1. Select "Save". The custom inputs will now appear on new Inventory Item pages.

    You can also add the custom inputs to Inventory Items that already exist.

    1. From the Inventory Item page, select the "Edit" button.
      edit 1.png

    2. Select the "Use Newest Schema" button.
      edit 2.png

    3. Select "Submit". The updated inputs will be on that pre-existing Inventory Item page.
      edit 3.png

    Inventory Transaction Types

    There are eight possible types of Inventory Transfers.

    1. AUDIT: The location and amount of available Inventory has been confirmed or adjusted upon completion of an inspection.
    2. CHANGED_ITEM: The Inventory Item ID has been changed .
    3. CHANGE_OWNER: The owner of the Inventory Item has been changed.
    4. CREATE: Inventory Batches have been added.
    5. DEPLETE: Inventory has been depleted (usually on a Work Order).
    6. MOVE: Inventory has been moved from one Location to another.
    7. SCRAP: Inventory has been discarded due to unsuitability.
    8. TOUCH: The Inventory Batch location and existence has been verified, but a thorough audit of the amount has not been conducted.

    To find your batch transactions, go to the batch and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the Batch Transactions table.
    batch transactions.png

    To transfer Inventory from the Inventory Item, select the Inventory Batch that you would like to transfer. The Transfer Types will be in the upper right corner of the screen.

    To scrap a batch:

    1. Select deplete batch.

    scrap batch 1.png

    1. Fill out the information boxes and select "Mark Depletion As Scrap".
    2. Select "Save". The inventory will now be scrapped.


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