Shipping & Receiving Insights Reports

    Shipping & Receiving Insights Reports

    Article summary

    These reports are available to view and modify under the Insights drop-down menu in the Reporting Dashboard, from the Administration Section of the Homepage:

    Customer On-Time Deliveries
    Shipped Parts
    Shipping Counts
    Vendor On-Time Deliveries

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    Customer On-Time Deliveries

    The Customer On-Time Deliveries report shows the number of deliveries to Customers that have been made on time, the total number of deliveries, and the total on time delivery percentage. In this report, "on time" is determined by whether the delivery was made prior to the deadline set on the work order. This report allows you to track your on-time delivery performance over the selected date range, both in total and for individual Customers.

    "ShipDate" represents the date when an order was shipped. It is determined based on a hierarchy of potential sources, allowing for various workflows:

    • If a Master Bill of Lading Shipment exists, its shipping date is used.
    • If not, the shipping date of the Bill of Lading Shipment is used.
    • If not, the shipping date of the Master Packing Slip Shipment is used.
    • If not, the shipping date of the Packing Slip Shipment is used.
    • If none of the above are available, the creation date of the Master Bill of Lading or the Bill of Lading is used.
    • If none of these dates are available, depending on Domain Settings, the signed date of the Master Packing Slip Signature or the creation date of the Master Packing Slip is used.
    • If none of these dates are available, again depending on Domain Settings, the signed date of the Packing Slip Signature or the creation date of the Packing Slip is used.

    The Reporting Domain Setting "Define On-Time-Delivery 'Shipped' date as Packing Slip created." can be configured for users whose customers pick up their orders. This ensures that delayed pickups don't negatively affect on-time delivery reports.

    Domain Reporting Settings are accessible on the Reporting Dashboard as explained in Insights Overview.

    Shipped Parts

    This report shows an overview of Parts that have been shipped.

    The shipment date of a Part is determined by a combination of Insights Domain Settings and the state of Packing Slips, Bills of Lading, and Shipments:

    • If a Shipment exists, the Domain Setting "Define 'Shipped' Date As Shipment Created." will determine whether the ship date or creation date of a shipment is used.
    • If a Bill of Lading exists and a shipment does not exist, the Domain Setting "Define 'Shipped' Date As Bill Of Lading Created." will determine whether the signed date or creation date of a bill of lading is used.
    • If a Packing Slip exists and a Shipment and Bill of Lading do not exist, the Domain Setting "Define 'Shipped' Date As Packing Slip Created." will determine whether the signed date or creation date of a Packing Slip is used.

    Shipping Counts

    This report shows the count of Packing Slips created, Packing Slips signed, Bills of Lading created, and Shipments shipped.

    Vendor On-Time Deliveries

    This report displays the Vendor name, the number of deliveries that arrived on time, the total deliveries made, and the percent that were made on time.
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    The Vendor On-Time Deliveries report allows you to track whether your Vendors are meeting your company's criteria for Vendor performance. This report displays the number of Vendor deliveries made to your shop that were on time, the total number of deliveries made, and the percentage of deliveries that arrived on time.


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