Sales & Finance Insights Reports

    Sales & Finance Insights Reports

    Article summary

    Sales Order Backlog

    This report shows information on active Sales Orders.

    Sales by Customer

    This report shows the total sales of each Customer.

    Sales by Sector

    Customers can set their Customer/SO sectors and use this report to see sales by sector.

    • "Sales By Sector" report will show the number of Sales Orders and sales for each sector.
    • Sector totals are based on chosen Customer sector, but will be overridden if you choose a Sales Order sector.

    To use this report:

    1. Setup the sectors on your Customer or specific Sales Orders.
    2. Go to Sales & Finance, and then Sales By Sector to view data on total sales (using SO price) for each sector.

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    This report looks at the totals of line items that were invoiced between the start date and end dates selected, and filtered according to preference.

    NAICS Sectors:

    Sectors are a industry classification system that several governments use to keep track of all sorts of businesses going on around the world. If you would like to see the full list of sectors, visit the BLS Index here:

    Sales by Product

    This report shows the total sales of each product, grouped by the creation date of each Sales Order.

    Transaction Summary

    This report shows Quote, Sales Order, and Invoice totals based on creation date.

    Invoice Report by Customer

    This report displays Quantity of parts processed, Quantity of parts invoiced, Quantity of Invoices, Sales value, and the percent of the total revenue from each customer.

    • The pie chart for the report shows the percent of the total invoiced amount by Customer.
    • The pie chart will be hidden if filters are used to restrict results to one Customer.
    • The Invoice Report by Customer will display invoices amounts by the invoice creation date by default.
    • If you are using the Shipping Date as the invoicing date in Accounting under the "Invoices" settings, make sure to also change the "Insights" Define On-Time Delivery "Shipped" Date as Packing Slip Created setting.
    • These can be found listed in the Domain Settings menu.

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    Invoices by Sector

    This report shows the total finalized invoiced value for each sector.

    Sectors are primarily determined by the Customer's sector. However, if a Sales Order sector is present, it will override the Customer's sector.

    The Invoice totals in this report do not include tax.

    Invoices by Product

    This report shows the total invoiced value for each product, grouped by Invoice date.

    The Domain Setting "Define On-Time-Delivery "Shipped" date as Packing Slip created" determines whether the Invoice date is the ship date or the finalized date.

    The Invoice totals in this report do not include tax.

    Invoice Reconciliation

    This report shows Invoice totals.

    The Domain Setting "Define On-Time-Delivery "Shipped" date as Packing Slip created" determines whether the Invoice date is the ship date or the finalized date.

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