How to Create and Apply a Spec

        How to Create and Apply a Spec

        Article summary

        How to Create a Spec

        Specs are created in the "Specs" tile on the home screen of Steelhead. To create a spec, go to this tile and press "New Spec". A new spec can also be created by copying an existing spec.

        Steelhead specs can also track revisions. To do this select the "Revise Spec" button and a new revision will be created of the already existing spec.

        How to Apply a Spec

        Once a specification is created with the proper spec fields, and paramaters created (Reference "Different Parts of a Spec"), it is now time to apply this spec. There are 2 things to remember to ensure proper application.

        Assign a Spec to Either a Treatment or to a Part Number.

        Depending on the purpose of the spec, it needs to be assigned to either a part number or a treatment. To do this, go to the desired part number or treatment and select "Add Spec". From here you can search for the spec of interest.

        Note that all parts of the spec will be applied. All spec fields must be applied to the item of choice. If there are multiple parameters per spec field, then you will have the option to select a parameter to be assigned to the part/treatment.

        Assign the Spec Field to a Process Node

        The final step is to tell Steelhead where this data needs to be collected or displayed. To do this, go to the process/process node where data needs to be displayed. Once the process node is selected, go to the bottom of the page and select "Add Spec Field". Once this is selected, search the spec that contains the spec field of interest and apply the spec fields needed.

        Note that if you are using spec fields that already exist, there is a chance that the spec field is already assigned to the process node.

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