Guide to Timesheets

    Guide to Timesheets

    Article summary

    Timesheets Guide

    This page is an overview of timesheets for general use.

    The feature's purpose is to track the time segments of hourly users and to record their time off. It also allows export to CSV that can be moved into a payroll system.

    Domain Settings

    Within the Domain tile, there are multiple domain settings related to Timesheets:

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    These domain settings must be set properly in order for Timesheet components to work as expected.

    Enable Timesheets for Hourly Users

    With this domain setting enabled, hourly users will be able to clock in and out. Users can be set as hourly in the User Permissions page. Only those authorized can make edits to users.


    The whole Timesheets feature is activated by enabling timesheets for hourly users.

    Product Group

    The Product Group should be chosen for which group should be used for timesheet entries. This can be created through the Product Categories tile.
    Example: Product Group = Timesheets, Product Categories = Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, etc.

    Setting the product group will allow assigning product breakdowns to time segments on Payroll Report.

    Pay Period

    To set up pay periods, pick one day on the calendar when a pay period starts and whether it is 1 week or 2 weeks. The schedule will be calculated within Payroll Report.

    Define Overtime

    Here you can set what counts as overtime hours. If an employee works more than the number specified, the extra hours will be marked as overtime in Payroll Report.


    • Overtime will start if worked more than: 8 hours per Day
    • Time Period for Overtime Accrual: Day

    This will mark all hours over eight hours a day as overtime in Payroll Report.

    Timesheets Requiring Review

    Here you can set less than and greater than times that will create a warning in Payroll Report when a timesheet segment is over or under the set times. This will indicate that the timesheet segment should be looked at because the user may not have clocked in or out correctly, making their time segment either too short or too long. This only applies to timesheet segments that are created through clocking in and out.

    Recommended Amount

    The recommended amount of times is 5 minutes for less than and 12 hours for greater than. This will require a review for those accidental clock in and outs that might have been seconds long, and also for those time segments where clocking out was forgotten. Missed clock out entries should help with this problem as well.

    Timesheet Break Times

    This setting will look at the time between clock out and clock in. It will treat anything under the amount of time set as a break in the shift, and anything over the amount as a new shift. This domain setting is directed towards those users who work from one payroll period into the next. Example: The set payroll period is Monday-Sunday. Jim works 10 PM Sunday night to 7AM on Monday morning and takes a 15 minute break at 2AM. All of the hours he works is wanted to be recorded for Sunday. Although he "technically" only worked one hour on Sunday. This will take care of this scenario automatically, recording his hours based off the beginning of the shift.

    Recommended Amount

    The recommended amount of time is four hours. This is a good amount of time because it won't be often that a user will take a longer break than four hours in the same shift. Any amount of break time under four hours will be seen as in the same shift.

    Time Clock Mode

    Enabling this domain setting will turn the device into a time clock where users can only perform clocking actions. Nothing else will be able to be performed in this mode.

    User Settings for Timesheets

    • Ability to Configure Custom Input Schema for users
      • Found in the top right of the Users page
      • This is useful for employee ID
        • Each employee can have an internal id in the Accounting software that can be tracked
        • This can then be entered onto the CSV
    • Ability to set Default Timesheet Product Codes
      • Found under the Time Tracking section of individual User pages, and also when editing user from main Users page
      • This auto-assigns the specified product breakdown for the user's time segments in Payroll Report
      • Example: a user works a specific line every day

    Timesheets Page

    In the Timesheets page (accessible from the home page), all recorded user timesheet segments are listed. Those who have access can edit and add time segments, clock out users that are clocked in, and access other time off pages in the top right.

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    Time Off Allocation Page

    This page displays allocated time off for each user. Here you can allocate time off and set up Time Off Types and Time Off Allocation Sets.

    Time Off Allocation Types
    This page allows for allocation types to be created and edited. It is where allocation types are also displayed.
    Examples: vacation, holiday, PTO, etc.

    Time Off Allocation Sets
    This page allows for allocation sets to be created and edited. These sets go hand-in-hand with allocation types.
    Example: Time Off Set - Holiday 2024, Time Off Type - Holiday Hours

    Scheduling Time Off Page

    This page allows you to schedule time off for hourly users and edit already scheduled time off. You must select the year and an allocation type first.

    Payroll Report Page

    This page allows for viewing of user time segments in a given pay period, assigning overtime, assign product breakdowns, adding new timesheet segments, viewing missed clock entries, reviewing flagged segments, etc. See Timesheet Segments docs for more details on Payroll Report.

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