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Watch Tower
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The Watch Tower is a real-time dashboard that provides an overview of every active part in your plant. With the Watch Tower, you can see all orders and order information, filtered to whatever criteria you choose. You can also run production reports against the parts that you're viewing so that you can see exactly how much money is on the floor, at any location or station, for any customer, at any time. The Watch Tower also allows you to open any relevant links and work parts (similarly to Workboards).
The Watch Tower provides the ability to run a real-time analysis of your active parts, with the flexibility to create and save filter presets. Furthermore, because the Watch Tower views only live data, it is always up-to-date and MUCH faster than Reporting. For this reason, it is preferable to use the Watch Tower for viewing live data used for daily production and planning.
Live Reports
The top bar of the Watch Tower has a few buttons for seeing more data about displayed parts. These have been paired with settings on the User Permissions page. Ensure that the correct permissions have been granted for each user.
Production Report
The Production Report displays the number of Part Numbers, Active Work Orders, and Total Value of active work orders.
For production backlog or to see only parts that are at specific steps (for example, "Parts Before Shipping", or parts between two specific nodes), you can use Process Node Filters.
Watchtower Access:
In order to view the Watchtower, you will need permissions to 'Read: Workboards'. This will allow you to view Steelhead's work boards, and also see all of their data collected into one place in the Watchtower.
To run the Production Report:
- Select a saved filter or choose other filters, as desired.
- Click "View Production Report".
- Click "View Part Locations" to return to the previous screen.
Inventory Report
The Inventory Report displays Inventory Items, along with the total amount of the item on hand, the part count of active parts that will be treated with that item, the predicted inventory usage for remaining parts yet to receive treatment, and the work orders that the parts are on.
To run the Inventory Report:
- Select a saved filter or choose other filters, as desired.
- Click "View Inventory Report".
- If you have not created Predicted Usages of Inventory Items for the needed part numbers, you can do so from the Inventory Report!
- Close the Inventory Report to return to the previous page.
Card View and List View
Active parts can be viewed on Cards, or in Lists.
- The Card View provides a similar layout to Workboards, showing each part number and details on a single card.
- This view also includes Part Number pictures.
- The List View provides a more condensed table view of active parts, useful for viewing large amounts of data at once.
To toggle Card View / List View, choose the List or Card icon on the top right of the page.
Whether on Card or List View, any parts that are on Quality Hold are visibly flagged.
Check out Watch Tower Filters for information on filtering visible data in the Watch Tower.