Prioritization Overview

    Prioritization Overview

    Article summary

    Prioritization Overview

    Found on the Home page, the Prioritization module is used for assigning a Priority Value to projects. Assigning levels of importance will quickly tell operators which orders need to be addressed first. The screen is divided into three main sections: Top Bar, Work To Be Prioritized, and Priority List.

    The main things to note about this layout:

    • The top section is used for loading and filtering available data to prioritize work
    • Below that, work is split into lists showing "Work to be Prioritized" (hasn't yet been prioritized) and "Priority List" (has been prioritized)
      • Items on both lists can freely be moved up or down and from table to table

    Top Bar

    At the top of the page is a section with some options for filtering the work you want displayed.

    You'll also see a few buttons to filter results:
    Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 2.34.13 PM-2.png

    • Priority Version
      • Clicking here will open a dialog box where you can select a Priority version
      • You also have the option to archive the version selected
    • Station
      • Dropdown box sets a station to prioritize by
    • Deadline
      • Date field for specifying the work order deadline.
    • Set Current
      • Applies Current Schedule if one is set
      • Only displayed when you are not on the Current Priority
    • View Current
      • Returns you to the Current Priority arrangement if one is set
      • Only displayed when you are not on the Current Priority
    Priority Version:

    You can tell which priority version you are on by clicking the Priority Version button

    • We can see that the current Priority Version is "Test", and we're also given the option to archive it
    • Here you can also select any other priorities that are not the current ones

    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 10.55.58 AM.png

    If you are on a Priority Version that's not the current one, you can tell by seeing the Set Current and View Current buttons

    • Set Current button will set this priority as Current
    • View Current brings you right back to the Current priority
      Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 10.56.44 AM.png
    • Workflow Control
      • Opens popup menu with options to prioritize by Routing
      • You may also filter parts that are between two specific Tags
    Workflow Control:
    • In this menu is the Prioritize Routed Parts checkbox
      • Checking this box will give you all the parts that have a current route associated with them
    • You'll also see a filter that goes between two process node tags
      • This is useful to further filter through the different parts that you would like to prioritize

    Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.18.19 AM.png

    Condense Results Button:

    This button appears when there is a search going on of any sort.

    • Gives you the ability to condense the results of the search you have performed
    • You will also see column filters to narrow down the search results
      • if you want to filter by a given column, you have the option to filter specific values in that column
      • these column filters stack onto each other
        • if you were to filter by both Work Order and Part Number, all the rows would have both Work Order and Part Number

    Work To Be Prioritized

    Displayed in this section is a list of work that has not yet been assigned a priority.
    Using the Search Bar will conduct a general search of all the unprioritized work.
    Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 2.34.13 PM-3.png

    Or select a Column name to filter by that column:

    Priority List

    In this section you can see the relative importance for processing jobs.
    Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 2.34.13 PM-4.png

    • If you have a station selected, you will see an option for viewing by Treatment
    • The toggle switch allows you to view All processing info or view by Work Order
    • The button between Work Order and Save Changes is to order listed items by their Deadline
    • Click the "Save Changes" button to finalize decisions

    For more information about how prioritization is used, see this tutorial video:

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