Edit Customer Contacts

        Edit Customer Contacts

        Article summary


        Customer contact data is drawn from input settings that are viewable altogether on the customer contacts list. These can be accesed through a hyperlink on the customers list as demonstrated in the following animation:
        Dec-05-2023 11-19-40.gif

        Entries in this table show all customer contact information. By default their editable options are Number, Name, Job title, Email, Phone, Contact Department, and Address.

        Troubleshooting Email Connections

        If your customer emails are not prompting the information found here in customer contacts into the entry fields when they should be, there are several things you could try. If you're trying to send a packing slip email, select additional CCs in the checkboxes that are provided. If the customer email needed is not registered to their company within Steelhead, it will not show up in the contact prompts and you will have to add their Email address to the checkbox list manually. To do this, submit it into the provided entry field.
        Dec-04-2023 16-01-04.gif


        Adding a customer contact onto a company over in shipping WILL NOT save it to the contacts table here in the Customers page! Please link the person appropriately alongside the rest of their company if their email address should be saved!

        Input Schemas

        Customized Schemas are tools that can be used to sort information into other categories that may be desired by users of Steelhead. They are managed through different options that control which levels of information should be included.

        Create Schema:
        Create a new schema using the button on the "Configure Input Schema" page. Entries here may be edited later as wished, and can be added to any customer contact.
        Dec-05-2023 12-23-03.gif

        Add Form Section:
        Schemas can be divided up into sections. You can do this by editing Schemas that already exist or by appending section onto freshly created Schemas here on their configuration page.
        Dec-05-2023 13-14-08.gif

        Result on Contact Page and Customer Profile:
        This is how your Schema should look laid out on the page for a Customer Contact.
        Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 1.13.07 PM.png

        This is how it should look highlighted in the Edit Contact window in a Customer profile.
        Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 1.30.00 PM.png

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