Device Setup
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Device Setup
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When you purchase a new device for operators to access Steelhead, we recommend taking the following actions to configure the devices for use on the floor.
Device Setup
- Whitelist the following domains:
- Block other websites
- Block app downloads
For additional help with your device, see:
Whitelisting Help for Common Browsers
Steelhead Device Location
Once Locations are configured in your domain, devices can be set to a specific Location. To set device Locations, follow these steps:
- Log into Steelhead on the device.
- On the top right corner of the Homepage, click on the "Configure Device Settings" icon.
- Click the "Edit" pencil icon on the right side of the Device Settings page and select the device Location.
- Select save.
Steelhead Device Settings
In Domain Settings, you may do the following:
- Enable PIN Login for simple user login on the device.
- Set a Force Logout device time to logout users when they are logged into Steelhead on the device for a period of time without use.
- Put the device into Time Clock Mode if the device is being used ONLY for users clocking in and out.
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