

    Article summary

    A Cut is made when material from a larger piece is removed to result in a smaller piece of a desired dimension.

    To perform a cut in Steelhead to document a cut in your job shop, you must set up a few things first.

    The features described below all work together in Steelhead:

    Cut Stock Part Numbers

    Cut Stock is a Part Number that is cut into different pieces (output cut Part Numbers). Generally, Cut Stock Part Numbers are raw stock purchased directly from a vendor.

    To create one:

    1. Create/Edit a Part Number.​

    2. Check the box: "Is Cut Stock?" ​
      Alternative: Click "Add Cut Stock" in the Cutting dashboard​

    3. Set Material. A new material can be created by clicking "Create New Material(s)" in the selection drop-down.
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    4. Set Geometry Type and fill out the necessary dimension details.

    5. Check the box: "Is Purchasable" (if the Part Number is raw stock, purchased from a vendor).

    Cut Stock Example

    Part Number 10FT-1IN-AL-TUB is purchased from a vendor and cut into smaller pieces. Here is how the Cut Stock Part Number is set up:

    • Source Operation: N/A
    • Is Cut Stock?: Checked
    • Material: Aluminum A206
    • Geometry Type: Aluminum Tubing
    • Part Number Length: 10 ft
    • Part Number Outer Diameter: 1 in
    • Part Number Inner Diameter: 3/4 in
    • Is Purchasable: Checked

    Output Cut Part Numbers

    Output Cut Part Numbers are pieces that remain from cutting Cut Stock.

    To create one:

    1. Create/Edit a Part Number.​
    2. Select Source Operation: CUT
    3. Set Material.​
    4. Set Geometry Type and fill out necessary dimensions.
    Output Cut Part Number Example

    Part Number 5FT-1IN-AL-TUB is cut from a Cut Stock Part Number, 10FT-1IN-AL-TUB. Here is how the Part Number is set up:

    • Source Operation: CUT
    • Is Cut Stock?: Not Checked
    • Material: Aluminum A206
    • Geometry Type: Aluminum Tubing
    • Part Number Length: 5 ft
    • Part Number Outer Diameter: 1 in
    • Part Number Inner Diameter: 3/4 in
    Importance of Material and Geometry Type

    Material and Geometry Type must be set on Part Numbers associated with cuts. This is because Steelhead requires the Material and Geometry Type for Output Cut Part Numbers to match Cut Stock Part Numbers, in order to make a successful cut.

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    Cut Blank Part Numbers

    A Cut Blank is a Part Number that is the result of a cut but is further worked on.

    To create a Cut Blank Part Number:

    1. Create/Edit a Part Number. This will generally be done while creating a new assembly.

    2. Fill out the Part Number as it is the finished product of the cut blank.

    3. For the Source Operation, select the create cut blank option.
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    4. Fill out all material and geometry type details.

    5. When you save this Part Number, a "Create Cut Blank" dialog will open.

    6. Edit any details on this dialog and save.

    This will basically create a copy of the current Part Number, but it will have Source Operation: CUT set, and it will automatically create an assembly for the two Part Numbers.

    Using this feature will speed up the process of creating Part Number assemblies that involve cutting and machining.

    Cut Blank Example

    Part Number RC-5FT-1IN-AL-TUB is roughly cut from Cut Stock but is cleaned up and finished to make FN-5FT-1IN-AL-TUB.

    1. Start by creating the finished Part Number FN-5FT-1IN-AL-TUB and completing steps 1-5 from above.

    2. On step 6 from above, change the Cut Blank Part Number to RC-5FT-1IN-AL-TUB.
      Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 5.29.15 PM.png

    3. Click Save.

    4. Navigate to Assemblies and notice that there was an assembly created for the two Part Numbers.
      Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 5.31.14 PM.png

    Cutting Dashboard

    If your Steelhead subscription includes the Cutting feature, the the Cutting tile will be available on your Steelhead Homepage. Clicking on this tile will open the Cutting dashboard.

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    Parts to be Cut Section of Cutting Dashboard

    The "Parts to be Cut" section of the Cutting dashboard displays all output cut Part Numbers needed for open Sales Orders, as well as all relative information about the Part Numbers.

    From this section, you may cut parts or create a cut plan. To do this, select part(s) listed in the table (optional) and click the "Cut Parts" or "Cut Plan" button.

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    In order for a Part Number to display in this section, the following are required:

    • Part Number with Source Operation: CUT is a Sales Order part ​
    • Part Number with Source Operation: CUT is a component of an assembly on the Sales Order

    From this section, you can also filter the listed results by Material, Geometry type, Part Number, Inventory Item, Customer, and Sales Order. The filter button is located to the right of the section title.

    Cut Stock Section of Cutting Dashboard

    The "Cut Stock Section" of the Cutting Dashboard displays all purchasable Cut Stock Part Numbers as well as Part Number standard drops. Part Numbers are linked to the associated inventory item, for easy access to Purchase Orders and Batches.

    This section also includes many details about the Part Numbers such as free stock count, count on order, material, geometry type and dimensions.

    From this section, you may create new Cut Stock Part Numbers using the "Add Cut Stock" button.

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    The search bar to the right of the section title allows for searching Cut Stock Part Numbers.

    Cut Work Orders Section of Cutting Dashboard

    The "Cut Work Orders" section of the Cutting Dashboard lists all of the active Work Orders on the "Cutting" process.

    From this section, you may complete cut plans. Do so by opening the Work Order and completing the cut there, or clicking the "Cut" button found on the dashboard.

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    The Cut Work Orders list also includes a "Completed" status bar, due dates, the option to edit cut plans, and a link to associated Part Numbers.

    From this section, you can also filter the listed results by Material, Geometry type, Part Number, Inventory Item, Customer, and Sales Order. The filter button is located to the right of the section title.

    Completed Cuts Section of the Cutting Dashboard

    The "Completed Cuts" section of the Cutting Dashboard is a limited list of the most recent cuts that were created.

    Here, you can view the cut number, completed at date, user that made the cut, associated cut stock, and associated Part Number(s). The cut number is linked to more information about the particular cut.

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    If the cut you are trying to view is not listed in this table, or you would like to see all cuts ever made, click the "View All Completed Cuts" button that is located to the right of the section title.

    How to Cut Parts

    There are many places in Steelhead that parts can be cut. Some places include, the Cutting dashboard, Cutting Work Orders, Cutting Workboard Card, etc.

    To cut parts:

    1. Open the "Create Cut" dialog.
    2. Set the Part Number and quantity being cut.​
    3. Select or create a batch.​
    • Ability to edit the Part Number​
    • Ability to select the depletion unit if applicable​
    1. Set the output Part Number(s) and quantity that will result in the cut (will be automatic if set somewhere previously).​
    • Ability to name the batch and add a description​
    • Ability to select (or scan) an initial location​
    • Ability to assign part group(s)​
    • Ability to add drops
    Additional Abilities
    • Delete Part Number rows​
    • Copy and edit Part Numbers​
    • Upload files​
    • Select a station where the cut is performed​
    • Select equipment used

    5. In the "Completed Cuts" section is where all saved cuts are found.

    Cut Plan

    A Cut Plan is a cut or multiple that is planned and to be completed.

    To create a cut plan:

    1. Open the "Create Cut Plan" dialog.​
    2. Select the Part Number and quantity to be cut.​
    • Select or create a batch​
    • Ability to edit the Part Number​
    1. Select the output Part Number(s) and quantity that will result in the cut.​
    2. Enter any additional details for the cut.​
    • Equipment to be used​
    • Station where the cut is to be performed​
    • Cut Deadline ​
    • Attach files​
    Additional Abilities
    • Remove/add additional Part Numbers​
    • Add additional cuts​
    • Edit Part Numbers​
    • Delete and copy row​
    • Remove equipment​
    • Fill out WO Custom Inputs
    1. In the "Cut Work Orders" section are all active cut plans.

    Part Number Drops

    A Part Number Drop is an extra piece of material that results in a cut. This piece may be used for further cuts, rather than scrapped. When a Part Number Drop is created, it is set as Cut Stock.

    To create a drop while cutting or creating a cut plan:
    Click the "Add Drop" button after selecting a Cut Stock Part Number and any output Part Numbers. This will basically create a copy of the selected Cut Stock Part Number. Make any desired edits before saving.

    • To create a standard drop: Select the "Save as standard drop for future cuts?" checkbox.

    If the Part Number is a one-off drop (will not be used again as an output Part Number), do not select the checkbox.

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    To find standard drops while cutting or creating a cut plan:
    Add another Part Number in the Output Parts section and check the "Show Drops Only" checkbox.

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    Cutting Workboard Card

    When the first cut plan is created, a Cutting process will automatically be created. With this process, you can create a Workboard with a Cutting Workboard Card on it. This is similar to the "Cut Work Orders" section of the Cutting dashboard.

    To set up a Cutting Workboard Card:

    1. Go to the Workboards tile.

    2. Create a new Workboard.

    3. Inside of the Workboard, add a new card.

    4. Select the "Cutting" process and process node.
      Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 3.33.20 PM.png

    5. Save the Workboard Card.
      Screenshot 2025-02-06 at 3.30.12 PM.png

    Cutting Work Orders will appear on this Workboard Card.

    From this card, you can view cut details, edit the cut plan, add status labels, and cut parts.


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