Customer Success Portal

    Customer Success Portal

    Article summary

    Customer Success Portal

    The Customer Success Portal can be accessed right away by selecting the trophy icon at the bottom of the Steelhead homepage. For ease of navigation, it has five buttons that can be used to access help features around Steelhead:

    Open a Support Ticket

    This first button will allow you to send a help request over to the Steelhead Customer Success team. Fill out the form and Submit. You will receive an email response within one business day.

    Enhancement Request

    If you have a great idea for how Steelhead can be updated for the better, send it over using this second button. Fill out the form and Submit. Many of our favorite features such as File Managment and the Watchtower have been added to Steelhead through enhancement requests.

    Newsletter Signup

    This third button is for signing up for a subscription to our bi-weekly newsletter, to receive inbox-delivered updates on what happening around Steelhead.

    View Documentation

    The fourth button is the same as the "View Documentation" button on the homepage. It will bring you right to the documentation site where you can learn about how Steelhead works.

    Steelhead Website

    Finally, the fifth button will bring you to the main Steelhead website:, where you can see info about:

      And much more!

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