Creating Invoices

    Creating Invoices

    Article summary

    Invoices may be created for any Active parts in Steelhead. Sales Orders appear on the Invoicing Dashboard as soon as parts become active.

    Domain Settings for Invoicing include toggle switches to set a default invoice date of either the order shipping date, or the date on which the last parts from a Sales Order entered the Invoice Node (called, "Invoice Date from Invoice Node"). Activate Domain Settings according to your preferences.
    Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 3.20.51 PM.png

    An invoice may include multiple Sales Orders (SO) for the same customer, a single Sales Order, a single Work Order (WO) from a Sales Order, or even from one Part. Select the quantity of parts and from which line items to invoice on the Create Invoice dialogue.

    Invoices Can Also be Created from the Shipping Dashboard

    See more information here.

    Invoicing Early/Before Invoicing Node:

    When creating an invoice before the parts are at the 'Ready For Invoicing' node, the associated parts box will not be auto selected, but must be selected manually.

    • Steelhead doesn't recognize which parts to invoice for if they are not already in the Invoicing Node.
    • Parts will automatically be completed if the invoice is created when the parts are in the Invoicing Node.
    • If you regularly invoice before the Invoicing Node, consider moving the Invoicing Node in the Work Order recipe tree so the parts will then be complete after Shipping. The recipe tree should reflect your steps in sequence.

    Creating an Invoice

    A domain setting needs to be turned on in order to invoice from the shipping dashboard. In your domain settings, search for 'Shipping', then turn on the 'Create Invoices From The Shipping Dashboard' setting.

    1. On the Invoicing Dashboard, find the Sales Order that contains the parts you want to invoice.
    2. Click the "Add Invoice" + icon to the right of the item.
    3. To invoice for multiple SOs at once:
      1. Note that they must have the same customer.
      2. Check the boxes next to the item.
      3. Click "CREATE INVOICE".
    4. Review the Terms, Billing Address, Notes, and Line Items for the invoice.
      1. Check the Line Items pricing and enter the correct Quantity to invoice.
      2. Check "Close SO Line" if this invoice completes that contract line.
    5. When complete, click "CREATE INVOICE" or "CREATE INVOICE AND SYNC" to immediately sync with your accounting software.
    Invoice Terms

    Invoices require Terms and a Bill To & Ship To address to be created.
    Please ensure that:

    1. All terms of the invoice are aligned with the Terms as laid out in your accounting software.
    2. All necessary changes are made before finalizing, or you will have to void and recreate the invoice.

    Invoices can only be edited before they are synced with your accounting software.

    As long as the invoice is not synced then you will be able to switch the invoice terms.

    To change the terms, press the edit/pencil icon.

    The red warning only shows when the invoiced order is in the shipping dashboard, to serve as a reminder of the payment terms.

    Invoice Terms: "Payment Required to Ship" option

    • The warning “Payment Required” displays on the Shipping dashboard for orders with these terms.
    • Filter Payment Required to Ship on Invoicing dashboard.
    • Useful for Call-on-demand orders.
    Create Invoice Button:

    The "CREATE INVOICE" button allows you to create the invoice, but also gives you time to edit the SO line items on the invoice before you manually click sync with accounting.

    • This is kind of like a buffer time between invoice creation, and invoice sync.
    • It also gives you more control over when invoices get synced.

    For example:

    1. You might become aware an adjustment needs to be made to an invoice which has been created but not yet synced.

    2. You could void the Steelhead Invoice without needing to void a QuickBooks version as well.

    3. After you do this, don't forget to just click the triangular Play tooltip that says "Finalize invoice' when you hover over it:

    4. This will tell SH that these invoices are ready to be sent over, and then they'll go over on the next sync.

    5. "Create invoice and sync" finalizes and syncs the invoice simultaneously.

    You may need to manually sync to make the sync icon appear.

    1. To do so start by clicking the edit/pencil icon next to 'Accounting Sync Status'.

    Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 1.27.24 PM.png

    1. From there it will give you the option to manually sync the invoice
      Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 1.28.10 PM.png
    • The created invoice will now appear at the top of the the "Invoices" column. With selection checkboxes and tooltip icon links, you can:
      • Edit & Finalize.
      • View the Invoice PDF.
      • Email the Invoice to the customer.
      • Check to see if the Invoice is recorded in your accounting software.
      • Void the Invoice, if it isn't already finalized/synced (see Voiding and Adjusting Invoices).

    Lines Closed

    Lines closed means that lines were invoiced and do not need any additional invoices.

    • If you leave them open by unchecking the box at invoice creation at the right of the screen you can create another invoice for the same line.

    • If you invoiced for a Sales Order that had 10 parts, but you only invoiced for 5 of them, the line would still be considered open until all 10 parts have been invoiced for.

    If the full order has been invoiced but lines have been left open, this may be because:

    1. The "Close SO Line" box will default to being checked if you are charging the full amount of the order.
    2. This gives the person invoicing more control over what is invoiced for and what still shows up on the dashboard as needing attention.

    Invoice PDF Previews

    The invoice preview is to project what the invoice could look like at invoicing, it will not actually create a real Invoice in Steelhead nor be in the Invoicing dashboard.

    Unless customized, your Invoice PDF preview may not appear the same as your final Invoice template.
    Invoice preview shows an approximate price for the final Invoice (pre-tax).
    This is useful because some users of Steelhead prefer to send a Sales Order to customers before invoicing.

    See also:

    New Breakdowns will automatically be added to the General Ledger each time an invoice is made:

    Rejecting Invoices:
    There are errors and blocks for instances where Quickbooks Accounting Software rejects invoices, such as:

    • When the invoice amount is less than 0.
    • When the quantity is less than or equal to 0.
    • When there are no line items on invoice.

    However, QuickBooks Online will still accept a negative or 0 invoice rate.

    Quote and Breakdown info:

    The quote provides what the line price total should be at invoicing, but the breakdown to what GL account that price should associate to are based on which stations the parts are stepped through.

    Video Walkthrough
    Video on Payments


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