Creating a Quote

    Creating a Quote

    Article summary

    Quotes generated in Steelhead are able to pull in data stored elsewhere in the software. To generate a quote, go to the Quotes page and perform the following steps:

    1. Click the "New Quote" button.
    2. Name your Quote or leave the Name field blank to automatically generate an ID.
    3. Identify the Customer who will receive the quote. You also have the option to create a new Customer if they are not already in the system.
      1. Once a Customer is selected, you will be prompted to choose an Address and Contact for the quote. These will later be pulled in if the quote is Converted to a Sales Order.
      2. Existing customer data will be available to choose for these fields.
    4. Identify the date that the Quote will be valid until.
    5. In the "Type" dropdown, choose whether you want to base the Quote on Unit Price or Total Price.
      1. Unit Price allows you to enter in a single part price, which will set the total price for the part.
      2. Total Price allows you to identify how much to charge per unit and set the quantity of the units. The total price is calculated from price per unit multiplied by the unit quantity.
    Irregular (non-formulaic) pricing

    If the same formula for prices won't be used across the board, setting a pricing option would look like:

    1. Create a Quote with the parts and add some custom input fields that will calculate the tiered price
      1. once you create an SO from the quote, those prices will pull over to the order and the invoice.
    2. Manually inputting a price into the price field.

    Add prices from the Part Number without quoting

    • Attach price directly to the Part Number, in the Part Number screen.
    • Similar to a quote line-item for more detailed pricing.
    • Past quotes are listed along with these Part Number prices.
    • Set default price to automatically populate at order entry.

    Template part numbers

    • Select “Is Template Part Number” on the creation dialog to make that Part Number a base/template for creating other part numbers.
    • Adding a template Part Number to a quote/SO/WO/etc creates a copy, and edits to these copies will not affect the template.
    • Quickly create & price a new Part Number on order entry & receiving.
    1. If Custom Inputs on Quotes are enabled on the New Quotes form, submit as needed. You can also make a duplicate with "Copy Quote Line Item".
    2. Click "Save."

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    1. Add Part Numbers to your quote.
      1. Click the "Add Part" button underneath "Parts" on the quote screen. Choose which parts you want to add to the quote.
      2. Select the process that will be performed on the parts.
      3. If Custom Inputs on Quotes are enabled on the Add Parts table, submit as needed.
      4. Confirm or adjust part price. You may need to enter either the part price or the quantity, depending on whether you chose Total or Unit price in step #5.
      5. Save the parts.
    Parts List:
    • The Receive Parts area on a Quote page shows Quote Line Number, similar to invoicing.

    • Once received, parts on a quote will show the associated Sales Order.

    • In addition, the receiving status of this quote will be shown just under its title, here a parts has been received:
      Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 8.49.12 AM.png

    • If you see this status, it means that the part is ready to be received:
      Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 3.57.09 PM.png

    Add Quotes to your Part Number

    In your Sales Order and you go down to the parts table, you can click the edit pencil clickable icon on which part you are wanting to quote, like shown below:

    You can add an existing quote for this part (if available) or the "+" clickable icon (circled below) will give you the option to create a new quote for that Part Number.


    1. Add Products to your quote, if needed. Treatments can also be created during Quoting.
    Do you often use the same products on quotes?

    Default products for quotes can be configured with the Default Products option on the Quotes page.

    1. Add Notes or Files to your Quote, if necessary. Comments can now be added at any step.
    2. View the PDF and confirm the details of the Quote.

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    • If Quote Stages are enabled, click the "Move Stage/Request Revision" button to move the Quote to the next stage.

    Sending a Quote

    • When the Quote is ready to send, click the "Email Quote" button.
      1. Confirm your message.
        • Once you add a message for a customer's quote, the message will save as a default for future quotes.
      2. Confirm the recipient's contact information.
      3. Choose whether to send yourself a copy.
      4. Click "Send Quote."
        • You may request a Signature from the customer.
    • If needed, users can bulk send quotes to a customer.
      * Select group of quotes with common customer.
      * Click "Bulk Actions".
      * Click "Send Email".


    How to Set Pricing for a Part on a Sales Order

    If part prices have not yet been determined, there will be no sales order lines for parts on the Sales Order. There are a few ways to set pricing.

    Different Methods:

    1. Manually create a Sales Order Line, add, line information then select +/- to assign to a Sales Order Part.
    2. Select "+ Part To Sales Order" to add a part to the sales order. From here either assign a Quote line item, create a Quote, or manually create a Sales Order line.
    3. Navigate to the invoicing screen and select "Un-Priced Parts". From here all parts without Sales Order lines/pricing will appear.
    4. Create Quote/Pricing on the Sales Order screen itself. This will give the opportunity to quote all unpriced parts on the sales order. From here, the Sales Order lines will be generated based on quoted information.

    Quote Notes and Files

    Notes and Files can be attached to quotes.

    • To add notes, click on the "Edit Notes" button and add any notes needed for handling or processing the Quote.
    • To add files, click on the "Upload Files" button and select the file to attach, or drag and drop the file into the dialog box.
    • If you like, terms and conditions can be added to your quotes as well.

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    Unit Price Info:
    • If a part is quoted, then processed and invoiced, the quoted price will become the unit price on the Part Number profile.

      • So if you create sales orders for this part with out re-quoting them, the unit price will show up on new orders.
      • The quoted price will not update the part number until it is invoiced.
      • If you make a new quote for this part, the unit price on the part will not update with new quoted price until the part is reprocessed/invoiced.
    • Quote prices and part unit prices are considered to be separate.

      • New quotes will not pull in the previously quoted price for that part number.

    Create a Quote from a Price:

    Steelhead includes the ability to create a Quote for a price on a part (you can create quotes of the same part for any customer if you leave the Customer blank on the Part and select it in the dialog while creating a Quote).

    1. Click on the three dots next to a price on a part that is not currently on a quote.
    2. Choose the 'Create Quote for Price' option in the dropdown to lead you to the create quote dialog.
    3. Choose a customer for the price if it isn't already auto-filled from the Part Number.

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