Add Parts to Sales Order

        Add Parts to Sales Order

        Article summary

        Add Parts to Sales Order

        To select the physical contents of the Sales Order, press the "ADD PARTS TABLE" button at the bottom left of the "Create Sales Order" menu. This will load the order you have begun to create into the Sales Orders list, and take you to a separate screen. Here you will see:

        • An "+ ADD PART TO SALES ORDER" button to add as many parts to the order at necessary
        • Settings to select every detail about the parts that will be treated

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        Part Number

        The first dropdown menu on the part options row which is automatically created is for selecting the number of the part desired out of a list of parts that have already been entered. The paper icon under this will copy the part number so it can be pasted somewhere else later, and the other button opens specification (spec) settings to add fine-quality details like how a part should be packed and exactly how large it is.

        • There is a popup menu for viewing the details of your applied specs, and they can be edited to a high degree of precision in the Specs page linked on the home page

        Finally, when a part number is selected in the dropdown menu, a button will appear for opting in and out of some processing steps that can be automatically selected on or off for the part number

        • One thing the next section looks at how to save default preferences for this option.

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        Creating new Part Numbers:

        Sometimes you may want to to make sure you aren't registering a part that's already there, and quickly add it to the list if it's absent. Luckily, Steelhead provides a way to do both of these things at once:

        • First, press the Sales Orders button on the homescreen
        • Then select the one you are using, or if needed make another
        • Then press the button that says "Add Parts (Table)" or "Save + Add Parts"
          • Both of these buttons lead to the same screen
        • Then on the Add Parts screen, type the name of the part needed into the entry field
          • This will search for matching part numbers, and you can select the part if it's there
          • Otherwise, read this page for help on how to make new Part Numbers

        Part Options

        Next over from the Part Number column is the Part Options column that contains two checkboxes, one labeled "IS one-off Part #" and the other "Update Defaults"

        • If you select that your part number is a one-off, this means it is not intended for repeated use and will not save in the dropdown menu in the Part Number column
        • Updating the Defaults is automatically selected, and it will tell the program to replace other information that has been entered for this product number in the past
          • This will also update the unit price if the Steelhead website has been selected as the source of truth for accounting data


        The Quantity column is where you can choose the amount of parts to be treated.

        • The entry field there can be changed to any amount needed
        • The button under this is to show or hide the inventory of parts that are available to be treated
        • Pressing "View Details" under the "Batch Id" column will open a new page called "PART NUMBER INVENTORY BATCH"
          • This is also found through the "Part Numbers" button on the home page
          • It has choices for arranging and quoting parts.
        • “Contract Total Part Count"
          • Auto-populates with the number of parts entered but can be edited if more parts need to be on the contract

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        Batches should not be confused with Part Number Groups. PN Groups are organizational groups for similar part numbers. Batches are groups of parts with the same part number. A batch in Steelhead usually corresponds to a container in the shop.

        • They also should not be confused with part groups
        • These are created during a process to group instances of a part number together, so they all can be racked and treated at the same time
          • Part Groups are associated only with a specific WO and cease to exist when the work is completed


        • The first dropdown menu in this column is for how the part will transfer between treatment stations, with options like:
          • The automatic "auto line"
          • The "Scanner Line" that requires QR codes to be scanned
        • The next dropdown menus will be for other treatments that change depending on which transfer process you use
          • There may be Blasting options, Powder coating colors, Primer, or others

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        Part Number Instructions:

        This section also contains an option to add part number instructions to nodes of the selected process:

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        This column simply has an entry field for writing any notes or comments about the part being treated. Anything that might be of interest to station operators could go here.

        Part Number Description on Order Entry

        The part number description should be used to write notes or information thay apply to every part listed by a part number. Information entered here adjusts the global part number description!

        One way to edit this is to use the far right button in quoting that will "open the part number" and change the description in there.

        If you want to enter instructions that are specific to the Work Order, use Work Order comments instead.

        Work Order

        • The dropdown menu here shows if there are multiple part numbers that have been entered for the selected part, and if so will allow you to select one
        • The button under the dropdown labeled "PART INFO" will bring up a full-screen menu with more data about the part
          • Like the different treatments, this depends on which part is chosen and has different options available for each
        • The button next to the dropdown will add a new work order for the part number if available
        How to add Parts to a Sales Order Line from a Work Order

        To put Work Order parts onto a Sales Order Line Item if they don't have one, follow these steps:

        • Select Add Quoted Lines
        • Enter the number of the quote that the parts belong to
        • Select the desired parts from the quote line items

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        To prevent accidental closing of sales order line items, quantities on sales order line items can only be changed if the line items themselves are NOT being closed

        Steps to find best results with this:

        1. Change parts associated
        2. Check box to 'close SO Line' should be deselected

        To learn more about all this, visit this page


        • The button under this column allows the Quote information for the sales order to be viewed
        • If this has not been connected to quoting, there will be an orange alert notifier that says "Existing Line!"
          • Since no quote is selected in this case, the system will try to add the information to an existing line
        • "CONTRACT" button that allows Contract Line Items to be added/edited
        How to Set Pricing for a Part on a Sales Order

        If it is still to be determined how we should be pricing parts, there will be no sales order lines for parts on the sales order. There are a few ways to set pricing.

        Different Methods:

        1. Manually create a Sales Order Line, add, line information then select +/- to assign to a Sales Order Part.
        2. Select "+ Part To Sales Order" to add a part to the sales order. From here either assign a quote line item, create a quote, or manually create a sales order line.
        3. Navigate to the invoicing screen and select "Un-Priced Parts". From here all parts without sales order lines/pricing will appear.
        4. Create Quote/Pricing on the Sales Order screen itself. This will give the opportunity to quote all parts on the sales order. From here, the sales order lines will be generated based on quoted information.

        See also:

        You can quickly flatten the prices of Sales Order Line Items:

        • Go to the page for your sales order
        • Create lines for multiple parts on a sales order
        • Click the "Merge Lines" button above the SOLI table and confirm
        • Add a price to the new line and click save

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        To Node

        This column is for directing the transfer of parts, with a dropdown menu for both "from" and "to".

        • The first menu will be automatically populated with the current node, if applicable
        • The second menu will need to be specfied for part to reach the correct destination.
        Process Node Tags and Shared Nodes:

        Tags are a way to organize and differentiate your Process Nodes. Once a Process Node is tagged, you can add that Process Node with "Add Existing Node". This adds a Shared Node, meaning it is the same Node. Any changes made to a shared node will be reflected in all processes that share that node.

        For example, if three processes share the "Abrasive Blast" node, changing any information on the node will change the information on all three processes.


        • The actions column has just two icons:
          • one is for deleting the part row
          • the other is for copying it to be under the original part row.
        • If there is only one part row present on the "Add Parts to Sales Order" screen, deleting it will still work without closing the menu

        More Row Options

        • "ADD ROW" to put a new empty row onto this sales order
        • "ADD ROW FROM CONTRACT" to add parts that are already on the contract

        See also:

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