

        Article summary


        • Added option for users to confirm or edit the dwell time when parts are transferred


        • RO and Invoicing Emails may now be bundled rather than sent individually
        • RO and Invoicing emails can now include attached files
          • Please note that the sending of emails sent between 10:58pm on 9/26/2023 and 1:00am 9/27/2023 may not have been tracked properly


        • Added column on the "Users" page to display the user's role
        • Added time measurement in seconds for Billed Time on Racked Parts


        • Added a domain setting to force each new received batch to its own work order


        • Enabled nodes from different super nodes in the same process to be active on one super board
          • This allows for an auto line to be utilized twice in a workflow with different instructions


        • Improved accounting status display on Invoicing and Domain pages
        • Improved in-progress Quoting save functionality
        • Improved dropdown menu performance on mobile devices
        • Added a domain setting checkbox to automatically request a signature when quote signatures are enabled
          • When active, the checkbox will not automatically be checked
        • Added a domain setting to include PO number in email subject line
          • When active, packing slips with an associated PO number number will display it in the subject line and fall back on RO number otherwise
        • Enabled users to add basic events to shipping calendar that are not shipments


        • Launch of Feature Accessibility
          • Modules can be displayed or hidden for any users
          • Under "Users," check or uncheck boxes next to "READ:" to show or hide modules in Steelhead


        • Equipment Labels available in the Maintenance module
        • Added capitalization to the title on the Work Order page and the label for Part Transforms
        • Added "created_by" field to all quotes page that includes hyperlink the the creator's profile


        • Deployed recieving updates surrounding quoting
          • Includes a warning for adding parts to an order without an associated quote
          • Managed with domain settings under "Quotes"


        • Maintainance Updates to Quoting
          • Part number information will now pull over to quotes from recieved parts
          • Added a link for "Recieve Parts Dialog" onto the RO screen which will automatically place all parts on the current RO
          • Parts added to RO no longer sit in auto-complete node
          • This should prevent part miscounting issues for parts moving between the "auto-complete" and "Recieving" nodes
        • Pin Login now accepts the "Return" key
        • Cert, Quote, Received Order, and Work Order Template Payload additions
        • Work Order Labels can now be removed from Work Orders individually, rather than clearing all labels


        • Added "Prevent invoices from being synced to accounting" feature
          • To sync later, mark the invoice "ready to sync" once it has been reviewed
        • Launch of Red Line Job Costing
          • To set up, set station to redline, create a super card, select red line, and select child node where you want the red line
          • Super nodes must be used for parent node
          • Includes Super WorkBoards support racks
          • Includes Permission options for Per-User Labor rates
          • Red Line timer can be run against multiple parts at once with cost ratio sliders shown
        • Added Individual Labor rates option
        • Updated shipper screen with arrangement of "ready to ship" option similar to Invoicing
        • Allowed total gross weights to return back to the ready to ship table


        • Reduced size of the text on the buttons in the Ready to Ship table

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