

        Article summary


        • Launch of Rack to Multiple
          • Appears automatically when one checkbox is selected anywhere parts are racked
          • Option are available for racking by part quantity or rack quantity
          • To use the new Unracking mode, select "Unrack Multiple" anywhere part racking is performed, and and move all the rack you want to unrack to the "Unrack" section
          • Rack types (small, medium and large) will be autoatically populated by the default part capacity of the type
        • Added a permissions feature to issuing purchase orders
        • In packing slip invoicing, the default amount of status filters is now zero
        • Added vendor contacts to PO pdf payload


        • Added option for users to set the tax code on additional line items


        • Enabed Permission Groups to give users the ability to move parts


        • Added option to hide prices on the quote builder


        • Added option to create and use stages for purchase orders
          • These stages can be used in much the same way as Quote Stages
          • The feature allows users to more easily track where Purchase Orders are in their lifecycle
        • Improved address editing on invoice when the length of an address is too long
        • Added packing slip ids to certs
        • Enabled Bulk Importing of Customer Contacts without needing to specify an address
        • Enabled users to edit the custom inputs of a quote directly from the quote page
        • If user tabs out of date picker field, it will now close


        • Added outsourcing link to home and sidebar


        • Enabled text on markup images
        • Columns can now be configured by "Completed At" on the Recieved Order table
        • ROs can be viewed and sorted by completed at date when "Complete" or "Invoiced" ROs are selected


        • Staging Variants under Quotes are now live
          • Press the plus or minus buttons in the "Configure Quote Stages" menu to add or remove variants
          • Switch the stage of a quote between "active" or "inactive" in the "Move Quote" menu
        • Added ability to select/update treatment options for the rework work order on the fly
        • Allowed users to configure their quote stages more effectively
          • This is done by allowing the creation of variants for any quote stage
        • Added the ability to type on markup


        • Altered the width of the work part slideout
          • This is to make the workboard screen more user friendly


        • Paired the names of Received Orders with their corrosponding Work Order and vice versa


        • Enabled users to create a rework work from a work order directly within move parts dialogs
        • Added option to show labels for selected group in the group parts dialog
        • Added sub-dialog to show Racking page for parts transferred into Racking nodes


        • Improved Rework flow
          • Added option to create rework order from an existing process
          • Added option to create rework order by selecting a subset of the current recipe


        • Added hyperlink to invoices from shipping
        • Steelhead website now keeps invoice filters upon switch to viewing (un)archived


        • Moved "Export CSV" button to filter bar above table
        • Enabled users see intentional tasks in scheduling as a tab on priority


        • Update to Recieving to allow working many received parts at once
          • Arranged into new list format
          • Statuses now available for recieved batches
        • Billed Labor Hours can now be grouped by station and user on the WO screen
        • Billed Labor Hours can now be grouped by station, user, and work order on the RO Margin screen


        • Added support error messages in following "add parts" situations:
          • include count of parts in Receiving on an RO but not on a WO yet
          • Normal Add Parts Table
          • Add warning to RO
          • Editing the RO of parts in Receiving?
          • Add parts to WO
          • Adjust part count dialog on WO
          • Adjust part count dialog on RO
          • Add Quoted parts workflow


        • Part Number, Treatment, and Inventory Item tables can now be exported as CSVs
          • Filters and ordering active in Steelhead will be reflected in the CSV
        • Parts cannot be moved directly to the "Packing Slip Created" node from outside the shipping dashboard, preventing shipping errors
        • Improvements to Custom PDF templates
          • Multiple active template functionality is improved
          • Corrected an issue occasionally causing dollars to be reported as microdollars

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