

        Article summary


        • Enabled users to perform simple split operations on a batch of Work Order parts (part accounts)
          • Select the drop-down menu for a batch of parts on a WO
          • Split Parts & select a quantity
          • There should now be two separate batches of parts in the same location


        • Added a sensor measurement page for easily sorting/paging/filtering measurements
        • The table on Sensor page now shows the five most recent listings, along with a hyperlink to new Measurements page
          • Navigate to Sensor Dashboard
            • See the five most recent measurements
          • Click the "Sensor Measurements" hyperlink
            • These are filterable by sensor and creator
        • Major update to Part Number Pricing
          • See all pricing history and methods from the Part Number page and determine the default price to use when entering Sales Orders
          • View complete quoting price history from the Part Numbers page
          • Fully support pricing in units other than "each"
          • Multiple prices per part number are available; default prices can come from:
            • Accounting software
            • Quoted prices
            • Prices based on units, for part numbers that can be priced based on multiple units
          • Each part number can have a default price that will auto-populate during order entry
            • A new "default pricing unit" domain setting can be used to set the standard unit to include on Sales Orders for parts with multiple price/unit combinations, if a part number default price is not set
            • Only part number defaults or quoted prices can be set as defaults
            • Sales-Order specific prices are not included in Part Number Pricing history


        • Cert PDFs can now show the WO descriptions and the shipping method


        • When archiving a Work Order, all the parts that are still on the Work Order will be automatically exited
          • Also occurs if archiving a sales order
        • When archiving a Work Order all part number work orders on that work order will be archived
          • This means the WO no longer says “shared pricing” when a part on an archived work order references the same contract line


        • New sections added into the quality management dashboard
          • There is now a section for failed spec measurements that are either "must be resolved" or "must be passing”
          • There is also a section to see all failed spec measurements
        • Add comments to resolve failing measurements
          • For example, a supervisor may now comment on an etch time that is out of spec in SH with "the parts were not dirty, so the parts didn't need as much time in the tank."
        • If specs are set up correctly, they can now block a part from moving forward when there is not a passing measurement:
          • Edit or Create a Spec Field Param
          • Check the “Failure Requires Resolution” to require resolutions for all failing measurements
          • When you move parts on a Workboard, you may find them blocked because they have failing spec field param(s). To solve this, you can:
            1. Resolve the failing measurement with a comment
            2. Archive the failing measurement and enter in a passing measurement
          • To resolve with a comment, open the failing spec and click the icon to add a resolution comment
          • This can be done directly from the Workboard or from the Parts Failing Specs section of the Quality Management dashboard
          • Use Work Parts or Work Racks to find the failing measurement needing a resolution.
        • On the Quality Management tile you will see the amount of failed params marked in red
        • The wand in the Parts Failing Specs section of the QM dashboard allows for failing measurement(s) on multiple parts on a rack to be mass resolved


        • Part number images will now display in workboard cards
        • Added new/clarified existing progress indicators on invoicing
          • This includes an information dialog and tooltips
          • All this show clearly where parts are in relation to invoicing
        • These tooltips give some explanation for terms:
          • Percent Ready to Invoice: ($”At/Past Invoicing” - $Invoiced) / $Total Sales Order
          • Percent Invoiced or Closed: $Invoiced / $Total Sales Order
          • Parts between receiving & invoicing/Total Expected
          • Parts at or past invoicing process node/Total Expected
          • If no invoicing node, = completed parts


        • Added job title to customer contact form when adding a customer
        • Added filters for customer contact type and displays them in the table
        • CSV download includes contact types
        • Default-select appropriate contacts on email sending dialog
        • Added Bill of Lading info to Invoice PDFs
        • Added custom input ability to Inventory Batch PDFs
        • Replaced the “move parts” button with a “close” button in the contract review tile


        • Added ability to filter parts on quality hold in QMS dashboard:
          • by whether they have been scrapped
          • and whether they are returning to customer


        • Filters will now be saved when you bookmark on the Insights page


        • Scheduling now displays the total expected time for all unscheduled tasks & for routed tasks only
          • This works with filters too
        • You can now re-prioritize many scheduled tasks in the Priority table by selecting Treatment Mode
          • In a Schedule Board, schedule tasks that have the same treatment can be combined into a single entity on the priority table and the calendar
          • Click the Treatment Mode button in the upper right-hand corner of the page
          • Scroll down to the Priority Mode section and click the Priority table
          • Sequential tasks with the same treatment will now be grouped together for easy viewing/editing


        • New Bills feature (available from Home page tile)
          • This can be used to manage your payments to vendors
          • Bills can be created, edited, linked to Purchase Orders, and synced to accounting software
        • Margin reports are now sorted by part number instead of work order and more details are displayed for better insights on margins
        • Margin report is now displayed when pricing parts from the Un-Priced Parts page
        • Closed some old sales orders that should not have been open, and added a button for manually closing a whole sales order
          • Closing the last line item on a sales order should close the whole contract unless it has extra parts that are unpriced
          • Button to manually close or reopen a whole Sales Order
          • Some changes to sales order filtering
        • Enabled users to have nothing pre-selected in the default work order
          • Select a default work order product in domain settings
          • Clear the selected WO product
          • You will now have no work order product selected when creating a new work order


        • Selecting a customer when receiving customer parts on a mobile device is now more efficient


        • Added description to Scanner Workboard spec Dialogs
        • You can now set a default ship method and carrier for each customer
          • Default carriers will autofill when creating a Bill of Lading
          • Default ship method will autofill when creating a Sales Order


        • Recipe nodes assigned to a param value can now be edited in the “edit param value” menu


        • Sales by Sector report now available in Insights
          • Setup sectors on your customers or specific sales orders
          • Go to Insights, Sales tab, and then Sales By Sector to view data on total sales (using SO price) for each sector

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