

        Article summary


        • Updates to the way specs are shown on the process they are attached to
          • Attach a Spec Field to a default process by clicking its slashed circle icon on the Spec page
          • View spec fields attached to the default process by clicking link icons near the process tree
          • View process nodes attached to a spec field by clicking the link icon on the Spec page
          • Add Spec Fields to a Process Node by selecting them directly or using the spec search
          • On a Process Node with a Spec Field, click the Spec Field row to view more information
        • New options for creating and viewing time off allocations
          • Request and view time off from user account page
          • Color-coded Calendar view with requested, rejected, and approved time off
          • Select events in calendar to edit or drag them around to change dates
          • Selecting the calendar brings up auto-fill time-off menu
          • You can now create many allocation sets at one time and repeat sets on long intervals
          • Ability to filter each page by supervisor


        • Added a Dock-to-Dock Time report for Insights, which shows the average time parts take to complete each process in a shop
          • Found under the "PRODUCTION" tab in Insights
          • New Insights domain setting "Parts Received Tag" that can be configured to define when parts are received
          • The report has a description at the bottom to further explain its functionality
        • Allowed users to invoice for generic line items when invoicing from a packing slip
          • Generic (i.e. not tied to a part being processed) Sales Order lines now appear when creating an invoice for a packing slip
          • Invoice for packing slip on Invoicing or Shipping dashboard
          • Any generic line items from the SO appear when you create an invoice from a packing slip, and every line has a checkbox on the left to select which lines to invoice for
          • Leaving a line out allows it to be invoiced in the future, such as on other packing slips related to that SO
        • Added a "Skip Execution" option on a maintenance node
          • While in "simple execution mode", the node defaults to showing all steps at once, but they can still be completed in any order


        • Allows users to search by accounting id/name, which is useful when there are multiple customers with identical names but different accounting IDs
          • Anywhere there is a customer select dropdown (e.g. create new quote)
          • Customers will appear if their accounting ID or name matches the search term
          • The search term text will be highlighted in each of the results
        • Insights has received an update to better handle end-of-month deliveries
          • These report results will now look different, the new numbers may not match old ones
        • Enabled Power Invoicing to make alerts or error messages on create invoice page
        • Added Process Composer when creating a rework WO to create an entirely new recipe, and cleaned up Generate Recipe From Process to make clear what is selected.
          • Create rework work order and use process composer to determine process
          • From generate recipe screen use newly created process to determine work order recipe


        • Introduced a full-screen dialog for adding specifications to part numbers
        • Added functionality to edit part number specifications that are in contract review directly from their Workboards
        • Reduced number of clicks and enabled easy copy/pasting of spec field params values when setting specs on a quote part
          • Add a spec to a part number or click 'Set Specs on Part Number' from a quote line
          • Use the new UI to edit spec field params min, target, max values. Toggle to use tolerance at the column header.
          • Lines highlighted blue have changes that are ordered appropriately and can be saved.
          • Lines highlighted yellow have changes that can’t be saved because the target is not in the min & max.
          • Click Save Changes on the bottom banner and ensure spec field params are saved
        • Enabled users to edit the Sales Order Lines at time of invoicing
          • Open invoicing
          • Click the edit pen on the sales order line
          • You will be able to edit the items within that sales order
        • Several enhancements made to Sensor Dashboards
          • "Show Spec Markers:" checkbox to turn on and off chart bounds
          • Added units of measure to sensor dashboard listings and the chart Y axis
          • Added the ability to hide sensors from the chart
          • Added the ability to set a spec field param as "active" for a dashboard listing (this will make it the single source for status calculations and chart bounds)
          • Added the ability to enable "active" spec field param bounds to display in the chart
          • Added "graph mode", which displays a graph-only view of the dashboard in a full-screen dialog (refreshes every 5 minutes)


        • “Unrack + Step" and "Strip + Step" unracking buttons will give you errors when moving the rack forward is not allowed due to underlying circumstances
        • Work Order comments and files can now be shown when invoicing for a WO
          • Add work order comments and files to a work order
          • Invoice for the work order
          • Click the Work Order number to display this information
        • You can now quickly merge, archive, and unarchive all sales order lines on a Sales Order
          • Use the "Merge Lines" button above the SOL table to create a flat price for all lines
          • Use the "Archive All Lines" button above the SOL table to archive all listed lines
          • Use the "Un-Archive All Lines" button above the archived SOL table to unarchive all listed lines
        • New errors and blocks have been added for instances where an invoice should not be created
          • When the invoice amount is less than 0
          • When the quantity is less than or equal to 0
          • When there are no line items on invoice
          • Note: Negative subtotals are allowed (just no negative invoice totals)
        • Added CSV exporting to specs
          • Go to specs page
          • Press export to export all listed specs


        • Uplifted pages within the Maintenance tile
          • Added the creator of maintenance events to the “Maintenance Dashboard” table
          • Added the name of the equipment to the “Complete Maintenance Nodes” dialog
          • Added paging, limiting, ordering, and filtering to many maintenance tables
        • View the total price per unit when there are multiple invoice line items
        • Scheduled tasks that are undergoing the selected treatment are now highlighted


        • Enabled users to email customers when parts are on a quality hold
          • In the Quality Management dashboard, click the email icon next to the part(s) on hold
        • A column for deadlines has been added to the Priority table in Scheduling
        • New domain setting will enable you to transfer quote part number descriptions to Part Number Work Order description
          • Turn on domain setting 'Transfer Quote Part Number Description to Work Order Part Number Description' and refresh the browser
        • You can now easily verify a part number total price when invoicing for gl breakdowns
          • Create invoice lines with multi-invoice line items
          • Look for a total invoice line rate on the invoice line


        • New error message for trying to create/edit an invoice without a part number or product


        • Users will now be able to update Sales Order Lines at Invoicing:
          • Turn on domain setting "Enable Post Production Contract Review At Invoicing" and refresh browser
          • If a Part Number count is updated in production and not on the Sales Order, you will be prompted to update the Sales Order part count upon invoicing the parts
        • New “Copy Schedule” button added:
          • Go to the Schedules page
          • Scroll down to the Schedules table
          • Click the Copy Schedule button for the schedule that you would like to copy


        • Added part number instructions to nodes of the selected process
        • When editing or creating a new spec param, you can now input a Target Value and Tolerance to have Minimum and Maximum Values auto calculate
        • Part Group Labels are now available on the workboard Work Parts menu
          • Easily add labels to a Part Group from a Work Order part details section, or a Work Parts page
          • Part Group labels are organized from Part Number labels in Watch Tower, Workboards, Work Orders


        • Received batches can now be shown in the descriptions for Invoice line items:
          • Turn on the domain settings called “config Include Batch” and “Invoice By Default”
          • Create an Invoice for a sales order line item that has part numbers with batch associations
          • This way, if there are batch associations they will be included
          • You should still be able to enter view or edit mode by clicking on the grey text
        • Added a new part transfer type “scrap”:
          • Ability to track scrapped parts in steelhead
          • Scrap parts from Move Parts dialog to exit from the WO and track as scrap.
          • Scrap is tracked on the SO, WO, and invoicing
          • Select mark as scrap when creating a quality hold to scrap the parts if they do not get re-entered into the WO
          • Users will need "Write parts transfers of type scrap" permissions to scrap from "Move Parts" dialogs, and "Write quality" permissions to scrap from QMS.


        • Serialize multiple parts when parts are being received.
          • Use the Root field for any letters, numbers, or special characters that come at the beginning of all the desired serial numbers
          • Use the Start Digit field for the sequential digits that come after the root of the serial numbers
          • “SAVE AS SEPARATE BATCHES” button will split all serialized parts into a batch of their own
          • “SAVE AS ONE BATCH” button will create one batch for all serialized parts


        • Allowed users to create recurring maintenance plans for individual equipment
          • Enables users to modify "last completed" date for a recurring plan by quick-completing or modifying the last event on the plan
          • Added the ability to mark recurring plans to recur from a fixed date or from their last completed maintenance event date
          • Added the ability to attach files to maintenance events


        • Added an option to filter by supervisor in Users, Timesheet Segments, and Payroll Report pages
          • Employees’ hours are sometimes approved by multiple supervisors, so this is a good way for supervisors to view the users’ segments they need to approve


        • Files can now be uploaded to Specs
          • The interface for this can be found at the bottom of a spec page


        • Labels can now be added to Part Numbers
          • The selection is found in the left-most column of the Edit Part Number dialog, above Description
          • Selected labels appear in Quoting, Sales Order, Work Order, Workboard, Shipping, and Invoicing
          • All of this should make it easier to annotate similar part numbers and prevent operator confusion
        • There is now a “Used For Measurement” column on Units main page table
          • Check “Used For Measurement?” box on a unit to make periodic measurements of that unit on parts
          • Can create/update current part measurements (e.g. weight) on Work Parts, Work Orders, Shipping, and Invoicing
          • Part Transfers page reworked so that columns are less confusing
          • View measurement history on parts transfer accounts on the Part Transfers page
        • Time off allocation recurrence can now be set to weekly as well as monthly


        • New domain setting "Include Part Number Name on Invoice By Default"
          • Adds Part Number Name to the invoice line item description by default

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