

        Article summary


        • Added the ability to quote and price unpriced parts
          • This can be accessed through the Un-Priced Parts tab in Invoicing, as well as on the parts table on Sales Orders


        • Enabled users to schedule multiple station tasks at a time
          • Set a station task to repeat at an interval / for a count during creation
          • Intended to relieve operators from scheduling tasks that occur at the same time every day
          • An auto-scheduled station task deletes when its adjacent work tasks are deleted


        • Ability to switch between active and completed Work Orders in Customer Portals
        • Filter Work Order table by Order Type
          • This is good for filtering for rework work orders
        • "View All Invoices" button now available on the Invoice Report in Insights to reach all invoices quickly
        • Part Number PDFs
          • Set a Part Number PDF as active, open a part number, and click the "OPEN PDF" button
          • The provided PDF includes the details: Part Number, Customer name and customer profile image, Part Number files, Process Info, Specs, Unit Conversions, etc.


        • Added a file upload menu onto customer profile pages
          • Intended for easily storing of associating a file with any given customer
          • Includes size preset options for any images attached
        • When there is a power tools error when creating an invoice, an error message now tells the user to contact support


        Major updates to Quoting, Received Orders, Receiving, Invoicing, etc.

        • Received Orders are now Sales Orders
        • Sales Order Lines and Sales Order Line Items have been added
          • These are designed to correspond to invoice line items
          • They should allow invoices to be controlled more directly
        • New invoicing status bars give good insight on Sales Orders' invoicing status
        • Unlocked multiple job shop work flows!

        The full changelog for this update can be read here


        • Ability for users to export invoice data
          • Go to the "All Invoices" page
          • Apply filters if necessary
          • Click the "EXPORT CSV" button


        • “EXPORT CSV” button added onto the timer dashboard
          • Select date range that needs to be saved
          • Click button to download data table as comma separated values
          • Table includes columns such as Customer, User, Supervisor, WO, Station, Start and End times, Duration, Part Count, and Process


        • “Order by Label Priority” switch to toggle on and off how the workboard labels are sorted
          • Switch on: Labels are ordered by how they are ordered in “LABEL SETTINGS”
          • Switch off: Labels are ordered by Work Order deadline


        • When using mobile devices, popups will now display full screen
        • Custom Inputs now available on Specs
        • Optional Identifier field was added to the popup box when creating and editing Customer Addresses
          • Used to organize addresses and allows for easier search when selecting Ship To and Bill To addresses


        • Insights updates

          • Customer names are highlighted
          • Explanation of report found at the bottom of each
        • Download Customer Contacts information

          • Navigate to View All Contacts in the Customers tile and click "EXPORT CSV"
          • Information includes: ID, Name, Email, Created At, Creator, and Customer Name
        • Download User information

          • Navigate to the Users tile and click "EXPORT CSV"
          • Information includes: ID, Name, Supervisor, Role, Email, Pin Set, Hourly, and Permissions
        • "EDIT LOW CODE" button available for those with the "Write: Power Tools" user permission

          • This is used to export Bill of Lading data
          • Must be set up properly with low code


        • Insights updates in Deliveries tab
          • Charts to show trends over time
          • Delivery lists per customer and vendor
          • Table and chart download
        • Maintenance updates
          • Default sorting by due date and completed date to eliminate scrolling
          • Maintenance Events comments
        • Quotes updates
          • Improved speed and performance
          • "HIDE PARTS" - This button hides all parts entered on the quote so that it's easier to reach features found beneath the parts table. This is useful for quotes with large numbers of parts.
          • "Line #" - A new column on the parts table which identifies the line item for the parts. This is a crucial piece that will enable a seamless workflow between Quoting, Sales Order, and Invoice line items.
          • "CLEAR ALL" - This button clears all Price Builder items.
          • "Jump to Line" - Command + J + [line number] will allow you to instantly jump to any quoted line item without having to scroll.


        • Timesheet Enhancements
          • Missed Clock Entries
          • New Timesheet Domain Settings
            • Timesheets Requiring Review - timesheet segments that are over or under the times set are flagged in Payroll Report
            • Timesheet Break Times - timesheet segments are now assigned shifts
          • Ability to add breaks in timesheet segments on Payroll Report
          • User specific Allocation Time Off Sets

        View all Timesheet Documentation to see all enhancements and how they are integrated with the previous version of Timesheets.

        • Workboard Dormant Mode
          • After five minutes of inactivity on a workboard, this mode is entered to make other features of the software run faster

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