

        Article summary


        • Force Logout Now Available
          • Inactive sessions can be timed out either by device or globally for your account
          • When a user is active in Steelhead, the timer is reset, preventing logout on active sessions
          • Configured in Domain Settings


        • Increased speed of pin login
        • The "product" field on the process composer has now been populated


        • Increased speed of dashboards


        • Configure columns on table for Part Numbers and Invoices
          • Enable, disable, or move columns to desire
          • Configurations are specific to device browser


        • CSV download for Part Locations in the Watchtower tile
          • Adds header and csv download for Part Locations
          • Disables tile view button on Production report
          • Adds some info to parts location list view


        • CSV exports for Quotes, Customers, Received Orders, and Work Orders
        • Sub-Process Type on processes to eliminate unwanted processes in process selection dropdowns
        • Super children station options hidden on routing


        • Option to select all or deselect all referenced specs when copying a part number


        • Option to exclude specs when copying a part number
          • Check the box to copy the specs, uncheck to not copy


        • Cut off Parts Transfers on date before generation starts
        • Device login sessions now expire after 30 days
          • Users will be required to log in with email and password or PIN after their login session expires


        • Contract Review updates
          • Contract Review Users can be assigned to nodes for sign-offs
          • Contract Review tile - includes Contract Reviews and Work Order Reviews
          • In Work Order Review, part number spec parameters can be edited/added before a part reaches the node
        • A Part Number column can be added to table on Received Orders page
          • The column can be moved to desired location on the table


        • Added an edit button in shipping to change part units
        • Set Power Tools tax code default so it saves correctly
          • Please make sure a default is set for low-code-generated in-memory tax codes
        • Updated the Customer Portal to have more settings and information, allowing interaction throughout a process
          • Configure permissions to control what customers are able to view and edit
          • All included customer Email logs are updated automatically


        • Upgrade to Timesheet Power Tools
        • Added part number unit pricing to work instruction payload
          • Allows for calculating parts per hook on an auto line based off of the needed revenue per hook and the unit price of parts being added


        • The invoice creation dialog now provides a warning when invoicing a taxable customer without a sales tax selected

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